
I called in sick, and get harassed over it?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't called in for the past year, and today i am very sick, i puked, which i haven't done since i was a child, I am 21, and i feel nausea and really sick. I called in, and a couple minutes later, I get a call from a friend at work saying that he can't believe i am giving up my holiday pay, and i must be really sick. I know that my manager told him to call to give me a hard time. This isn't right is it? I seriously feel really bad that i called in because they had to call me and say that. If my store manager wasn't on vacation, and i called in he wouldn't have someone call me back and harass me for calling in. What should i do? I really think i should tell someone, because i know it's not right.




  1. just ignore it, they didnt fire you. and go to work tomorrow.

  2. Let it go.  You're sick and worrying about this isn't helping any.

    No-one (who isn't sick) calls off on a holiday or the day before/after if they are going to lose their extra pay.

    Some bosses just need to give a rasher of s**+* to everyone who calls off.

    You've called off work, you aren't getting paid for it, turn your phone off and go to bed.  

  3. It's not right, but it depends on the company policy regarding holiday pay. You are supposed to have written policy for your position/ company. Or if they have a website you can look on that for an answer.

  4. I hate when bosses are like that. This isnt pre-school, we are adults and we have the right to take a sick day without having to come into their judgmental attitude trying to make us feel guilty for not coming in.  Unfortunatly all you can do is try and shrug it off.

  5. You should try and look at it from a manager's perspective.  Here's how it "appears."  It's a long, holiday weekend and people are clamoring to get the time off.  As the manager, you have to come up with a suitable work schedule that will accommodate the most senior people first as well as those with family.  You try and listen to all points of view and take everyones needs into consideration.  Finally, you post the schedule and then have to sit and listen to all of the whining (again).  Having suffered the head ache you put your foot down and say enough is enough.  And then come the big holiday day, someone calls in "sick."  As the manager, you've been subjected to all of the whining and then someone doesn't pull their weight by calling in.  It's the holiday, what's the likelihood that you'll actually get a hold of anyone  and convince them to come in?  So, now you have to jam someone by making them stay late and mess up their plans or tell the on coming crew that they're just going to have to suck it up and make do with one (or more) less person(s).

    Do people REALLY get sick at the most inopportune moment?  You bet!  Illness doesn't take a holiday just because everyone else does.

    So, provided you still have a job in the morning, you come in with a doctor's note.  And should this happen again, you go in puking your guts out and you do it all over his/her desk.  That way there is absolutely no doubt that you aren't just trying to scam out of another day...

    I once had a new employee show up too hung over to work.  She got the job and went out to celebrate.  She didn't last long.

  6. Your friend calls to express concern, recognizing that you must be pretty darn sick to give up holiday pay, but you "know' it was harrassment by someone else.  See a shrink.

  7. Sorry to hear your plight.This is sad.Be strong.Look for a good job and move out.

  8. You know what i would do "Take anouther Day off" after all this is your life and your the one in charge.

  9. alot of people ahave no reason to be supervisors.

  10. One call from a friend at work saying you must really be sick is neither harassment, nor even checking up on your story

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