
I called in sick today am I a loser?

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I spent the night woth my ex bf. Ended up having an argument and felt really down about it this morning. Also had no sleep so was really tierd. I had an important task to do at work this morning and thought that I was prepared to handle it and so better to call in sick and do it tomorrow when I have my head together. I don't like feeling sorry for myself but just wanted to get in bed and feel like nothing was happening. I spoke to my ex bf and he was like ' you can't not go into work'. I don't call in sick a lot, max 1 a month Am I really that bad?




  1. Yes it is bad.  But that doesn't make you a loser.  I have never heard of being out sick once a month.  But I know from past experiences that women take off a lot more time than men.

  2. If someone is your ex-boyfriend why did you spend the night with him?  I though ex meant out of your life for good.

  3. No you are not that bad however calling in sick even once a month is quite  a bit.  It does sound like a valid reason though given you had no sleep and were not very functional.

  4. umm no thats not bad, aint nothing wrong with you calling out sick so you can rest... its better that you called out instead of going to work and cursing the supervisor or someone and then they'll just fired you like that... dont feel bad, we gotta do what we gotta do.. good luck..

    you're not a loser.. its good that you didnt do (no call no show)...

  5. h**l no.  Only the cool, rebelious, James Dean-like people skip work.  By skipping work today, you are automatically friggin awesome.  You should probably do it more often.  I do it like once every 2 weeks.  its refreshing and i feel like a bona-fide badas$.  Use the day to go shopping or accomplish something you have been putting off.  Or do what i do, and have s*x all day (and by having s*x all day, i really mean doing nothing but sleep and eat and watch t.v. because you are a loser. )

  6. No. You aren't feeling well. That's fine. I have high attendance but I still understand when colleagues call out sick and I'm so annoyed by the attendance n***s that complain if someone calls out sick. The ones that go, I'm here everyday even when I am sick. Blah. Blah. Some of them leave early so what's the difference???  You have to do what is best for you.  

  7. As long as you don't use up all of your sick days when things are fine and then ask for time off when you're really sick, it's okay.

  8. You keep calling in and you will be out of a job. Some place have strict attendance issues, Mine does.  

  9. No...

  10. You're DEFINITELY "not" a loser. You can tell your employer that you were having a panic/anxiety attack. They should be understanding about it. That's what most likely happened. Lots of anxiety & tension. You need your rest. It's better that you called in sick (anxiety, stress, etc.), rather than going into work all snappy & stuff, taking your anger & frustration out on your boss & coworkers. & then BOOM! You're fired. So I'd say you made a wise choice.

  11. Feeling down is the same as being sick so having a day off is ok. Just try not to do it too often maybe 1 day a month is a little over the top but if it's always because you are feeling down maybe it's time to reassess your personal life situation.

  12. From your question, I think that you are a "loser"...why?. Its because, you have got your priorities all wrong....what is more important for you, your health, your relationships, your mind or your job. From your question I think that you have placed your Job as the highest priority .

    I think that the biggest losers in the world are the ones who put thier job as the highest priority. I say s***w the job , what is the maximum they can do to you?.....for that you want to spoil your relationship and health...

    I would say do the following:

    a. Fix your mind........take a break, go out to a holiday or some other get away location like alaska or lake tahao.....better goto hawai and have s*x for a couple of weeks with a hot stranger.....that will do you good (protected of course).

    b. After that fix your relationship....find a decent good looking, professionally stable man and KEEP that relationship blossominh.

    c. Respect your parents and elders.

    d. If a,b, and c are done then think about your job or the work.

    Hope this helps!

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