
I called my ex last night... and i havent talked to him in months?

by  |  earlier

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i called to tell him the baby is healthy and before i can finish i said i wanted to you that the baby is and he hung up!!! so then today he called back and it was a missed call, so i called him and he missed it, but eventually we got eachother on the line and he yelled, he really yelled at me saying do not call him anymore on block numbers, and i go jarred.... i never called yu on a block number and he goes.. i know its you, and im like really its not and hes like whatever bye. whats his deal? im really not calling him on block numbers!




  1. You need to get over this guy. You are chasing him and making a fool of yourself; why would you do this? Stop following him around and begging for attention, and respect yourself.

  2. He is a loser.  Leave him alone and worry about your baby.

    Thank God I waited until I was married and settled before having children.  I couldn't imagine dealing with bulls!t like that.

  3. that really sucks.  he is obviously moody.  i'm pregnant and i dont talk to the baby's dad and i feel that this is how my future is going to be too.  if you want to be friends you can add me/message me, if you want someone to listen.

    my only advice is, just leave him alone, it's hard because it's the baby's father, but obviously he isn't making much of an effort to care or talk to you, and in the future, you can give me the same advice... when i want to call my ex.

    i'm sorry!

  4. god how old are you? clearly not mature enough to have a baby!

    he is an idiot - don't call him at all. see how he likes that.

  5. tell him it wasnt you and that you just want to tell him about the baby

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