
I called my mom a fatball?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i was watching tv and my mom came into my room and told me to do the laundry, I got upset and i yelled at my mom and called her a fatball, she then turned around and went into her room, then I went to bed. now she wont talk to me, its been all day and she havent spoken to me once, its 7:10pm right now, dinnertime normally, but im not sure if she made me dinner tonight and its too uncomfortable to go downstairs to check. I dont wanna bump into her




  1. Apologize.

  2. You are going to have to face your mom sooner or later. Let it be sooner. You hurt her feelings. Just go straight to her, and say "Mom, I'm sorry for being so mean and disrespectful. I'm asking you to forgive me. It will never happen again;" And please don't let it happen again. Oh, try doing the chores without her having to ask you, then maybe your tv time won't get interrupted. This is coming from a mother.

  3. u unappreciative little ****. Do you know what she does for you? EVERYTHING! THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS APOLOGIZE! GROW UP. tell her that you know you're wrong and that it wasn't true. brign her supper in bed. I swear, you are the mos tchildish little kid i've ever met.

  4. lmfao this is so childish i'm not even going to answer.

  5. You gutless little wimp!

    You had the GALL to call her an insulting name, but not man enough to  go to her and apologize?

    Shame on you.You get off your computer NOW and go tell her you are sorry and that you love her.And don't EVER call her names again.

  6. Grow up go down and say "mom im sorry for calling you a fatball, would you like help with any thing around the house." that should be a good apology but dont get to exaggerative like MOMMY IM SORRY!

  7. just apologize, she probably feels bad thats all.

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