
I came home from work and my bearded dragon is dragging his back legs?

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I came home from work and my bearded dragon is dragging his back legs?




  1. Its okay i had one and it did and i took it to the vet and they said it was fine

  2. How are you keeping your beardie?

    It sounds as if your beardie has become impacted, or has MBD (metabolic bone disease)

    If your dragon is housed on sand, calci-sand, vita-sand, crushed walnut, or any other loose particle substrate THROW IT OUT! All of those cause impaction,even the ones that claim to be digestable, and that is probably what is causing your beardie's problems. Soak your beardie on lukewarm water, test the temps with the inside of your wrist. Let him sit in shoulder deep water for 15-20 minutes 2 or 3 times a day, until he poops. Do NOT feed him any solid foods until he has passed the blockage. If the baths aren't helping, you can syringe feed him slightly warmed sugar-free applesauce, or give him 2 or 3 drops of olive oil. You can add the olive oil to the applesauce if you want.

    If you aren't housing on loose particle substrate, I'd say your beardie has MBD, which can be fatal. Does your beardie have good quality Flourescent UVB lighting, that you replace a minimum of every 6 months? Are you dusting your beardie's food with calcium on a regular basis? If not, go out and get a RepitSUN 10.0 flourescent TUBE. Do NOT get ReptiGLO 10.0, or any kind of compact or coil UV light; they can cause blindness, conjectivitis, seizure, and sometimes, death. Also, get Repcal calcium powder+D3. A baby beardie needs his food dusted with that one feeding a day 5 days a week, and Herptivite multi-vitamin powder the remaining 2 days. An adult beardie needs Repcal+D3 2 days a week, and Herptivite 1 day a week. You can get ReptiSUN 10.0 here, if it is not available in your petstore, and it's cheaper too  If you have to order the bulb, then get your beardie out in the sunlight for natural UV at least an hour per day until it arrives. Do NOT leave your beardie unattended, they overheat very easily, and will also run off if they see a bird. Do NOT leave them in glass cages outside, or by a window; glass cages heat up to fatal temps, and a beardie can't absorb UV through glass anyway.

    MBD is very hard to treat on your own, and if that is what your beardie has, it sounds like it is pretty severe, and will need medical intervention from a QUALIFIED reptile vet; most likely you will get liquid calcium or calcium injections. You can find a vet in your area on

    I suggest you visit for more advice if that doesn't help. There are a lot of knowledgable people who have delt with beardies for years. They will be able to help you too.

    Good  Luck!

  3. what are you housing him on? its definedly NOT normal and is a sign of intestinal impaction. take him to a vet that specializes in reptiles. until then remove any particulate substrate and give him soaks in lukewarm water in a plastic tub (the water should be just from the tap, only up to his shoulders) until your vet gives you further instruction and treatment.

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