
I came to the Kentucky Derby as a guest of my cousin? I hate it here...what should I do?

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I am a guest of my cousin at the KY Derby today. We arrived here early so she could work at the gate for Hilliary and Obama. Well, I don't care for this place at all. So far, I have met several beauty queens, who aren't beauty queens anymore--and u can take that or leave it, several movie stars, who are s****., except Ms. Bo Derek, who is really nice and knows so much about all the horses..., met several jockeys, who have been more than nice--wow, are they short and thin,and met several ponies or horses who are the nicest ppl?????so far. I wanna go home--now, so jus what do I do? I have the car keys--we had to park at a restaurant and walk down here, but I know how to get to the car. Should I jus tell m y cuz this ain't 4 me, just take the car and leave. or what? The main race for the Derby doesn't even start until something like 607pm EST, and I will bored stiff by that time. Oh-I borrowed this jockey's laptop and he offered to let me stay in his place-which is air conditioned!




  1. Would your cousin be mad if you left her there?

    A jockey offered to let you stay at his place, why don't you do that? This way when it's over, grab your cousin and bolt.

    The race is an amazing one,but, the waiting around is like watching paint dry and the famous people are snotty, no surprise there. Just try to enjoy it, it may be a once in a life time chance. One day you can say" I was at the 2008 Derby and it sucked!"

  2. get one of the jocks to introduce you to a trainer and ask them if you can come back to the backstretch to see their horses.  You can go pet Curlin!  Ignore the people (I hate crowds too)... make it out to the track or the paddock so you get to see the horses.  You'll have more fun if you get to see the horses.

  3. I would love to trade places with you.My advice,relax,change your attitude and enjoy it.You cannot leave before the big race!! It is amazing and please just try to enjoy being there.I would love to meet a jockey,but here in Maine,it's not going to happen.I have been to the Kentucky Derby twice and it was crowded but we still had a good time. You are so lucky. Hang in there and you will catch the excitement.

  4. Have some patience! I really wonder what's up if you can't manage to be there for another 3 1/2 hours, especially since you have something to keep you occupied (the computer).

  5. OK, I'm going to sound like an old geezer here, but I just have to go on this rant:

    You are at one of the most famous annual events in the world. You have access to jockeys, horses, famous people and exclusive places that most people would love to experience.

    And there you sit, whining like a brat about how "boring" it is. Do you know how spoiled you sound? What the h do you want to do, go to a mall just like the one at home?

    You know who gets bored? BORING PEOPLE. Interesting people never get bored, because they find interest in their surroundings, no matter where they are.

    You may never get back to the Kentucky Derby. Why not find out as much about it as you can? And I'm not talking about learning the trivia. I mean get acquainted with the people who make the place tick. Soak up the atmosphere.

    One day you are going to be an adult, having a conversation at a party or something like that, and the subject will come up, and you are going to mention that you actually went to the Kentucky Derby and got inside access. People are going to ask you what it was like, and you know what your answer is going to be? "I sat around whining and played around on a laptop." You know that people are going to roll their eyes and want to get away from you as quickly as possible, right?

    Or you can find out why so many people love the Kentucky Derby and have something interesting to say.

    And by the way, I don't really watch horseracing much. I just get irritated by "entertain me!" whiners.

  6. Well if you are still around, you are only about 10 miles from me.  I  wouldn't be caught dead at the track today it is tourist city.

    You are already in the best place you could be, on the back side.  Stay  there and be the envy of all your friends when you go home.

    I am confused.  How can you be a UK fan and a whiner?  What have you got to complain about?

    And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation-some fact of my life-unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.  Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.  Unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy.  I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.”

    Please read it again, and again.  It will help if you want it.

    Today is a good time to change.  Life will get better and when the Cats win another one with Billy G.  You will feel better about yourself.

    Go Big Blue, put $20 on the nose on Big Brown to win!

  7. Go for a walk or something ...

  8. I got an idea.  If you have a few spare bucks place a $2 bet on one of the races before the Derby.  Having something to possibly win makes it more exciting.  If you win then maybe you can bet the winnings on the actual Kentucky Derby.

  9. Well, everything I wanted to say has already been said by Ralph, execpt that I am a racing fan.  So, please read it again.

    Some peoples' kids.

  10. Hillary AND Obama??

    U can come over to my place and hang out with me :)

    there is a shopping center to the right at 4th and central. Go there. Or if u walk north (take a left) onto 4thre there are a bunch of shops to check out.

    Or you can go window shop or eat in the highlands which isnt for directions

    Good Luck! and bye ur cuz a couple of mint juleps before u take off...a little buzz will take her mind off of you ditching her ;)

  11. funny go home

  12. You can't! It would be awfully rude of you to go, but if you have to, and I mean if you really have to you go, but personally don't go, anyone would want to see the Kentucky Derby LIVE!!!!!

  13. If you're into partying and mayhem, go to the infield.  I'm sure the jockey won't let you take his laptop there, but yeah.  If you're old enough, drink some mint juleps and you won't care (not too many, they're strong).

    Derby is for partying and being seen, mainly.  If you take the car now, you won't be able to get back for your friend, and honestly, you probably won't find anything better to do because our whole damned city shuts down business for Derby (they did it yesterday, too).

  14. all these people who are telling you to stay well the are idiots, the think that everybody loves horse racing which is not true, if I was you I would of gone there 30 minutes before the race starts.

    just go home and tell your cousin that you want to go.

  15. Do you have any idea how historical the Kentucky Derby is?

    I would have given anything to be there today instead of at home watching it on the television.  I'm surprised you're from Kentucky, you're a whiner and you hate the Derby.

    Don't sit and whine and complain about boredom, be thankful that you got invited and you've got access to all the stars and horses and friendly people.

    I hope that by the end of the day you have enjoyed it.

  16. Hey! Guess what. This day ain't all about you..

  17. . My god you are at the greatest place on earth this day.

    I wish I was where you are!  Shut up and enjoy.

    One of the greatest days in my life (and I'm married with kids and a grandson) was meeting the great Secretariat.  His groom brought him out just for me and I was able to try to reach up and give him a hug. AWESOME.  It is truly my most treasured picture.

  18. Go to the bar

  19. It sounded from other questions that you were pretty familiar with the track scene. But I.m glad you worked it out. Always try to make the best of it. Sounds like you met a bunch of interesting people at any rate. At least some of them were nice.

    Yea, jockeys are really small. Less weight for the horse to carry. I have only been to the horse races once. It was pretty cool. No Kentucky Derby though.

    About that whining. not very becoming for a young lady. Not your best attribute. Be a problem solver instead.

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