I live, camp and sell Christmas items from my van between Ontario and the Maratimes during the months of October to December. I would like your opinion on where the warmest weather will be between western ontario and the maratime provinces because I am on a limited budget, and prefer to sleep in my van than to rent expensive motel rooms. The biggest challenge is finding a shower in the mornings to start the day, orto end the day with. Sometimes camp grounds have showers, but they often are closed during Nov-Dec. Sometimes truck stops and YMCAS, but they are not always available. I can take a bucket bath outside in the morrning if the weather is reasonable, and there is not much snow or ice. Any suggestions please ?
One person said Leamington Ontario is most south and warm, but someone else said that Windsor, in the same area is the snow belt. I think the maratimes is infamous for heavy snow storms with accidents at that time isnt it ? 2 yrs ago, outside of Hamilton, it was mild