
I can't afford to pay over 10k for 407 charges. Help!?

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Does anybody out there know how I can reduce this cost as most of it is interest. I am a single father of 3 and would have to declare bankruptcy. It's ridiculous that I am unable to make some arrangement to pay less interest and over a short time period. Anybody have any remotely similar experience. Please respond. Thanks




  1. I am assuming you mean long distance toll calls to the Frorida #407 zone. My thoughts are that you have gotten into a real jam. Try giving a call to Family Financial Education Foundation at 877-292-8444  They should be able to give good advice.  With only $10,000 debt and phone bills the cost, you probably would only be granted a Chapter 11 repayment schedule. Bankruptcy under Chapter is much harder now. They don't like to discharge phone, utility or credit card debts as in the past. Get rid of that phone and any new phone should be limited to local service only.

  2. What does this have to do with cars, transportation or commuting?

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