
I can't afford to take dance lessons anymore, but I want to keep dancing....?! please answer?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i cant afford dance classes anymore (because its too expensive, costumes are too immodest, so my parents wont let me, blah blah blah). so i want to keep dancing, but how? should i just practice on my own? i could do DDR (the wii dance game) and stretch daily and practice leaps and stuff, but... the thing is, when i quit dancing about two months ago because i couldnt afford it and stuff, whenever dancing was brought up in conversation people would ask "do you take dance lessons?" and i'd say "i used to" and then they would assume that i didnt anymore. then i'd try to explain the situation and they kinda acted as if what i had said was just a lame excuse or something.... it really bothers me. what can i say to people when they ask if i dance, take lessons, etc.?




  1. you can practice on your own! and if they ask you if you take lessons just say, 'yeah I dance'

    you are not saying that you take lessons, you are saying that you dance...they'll probably think you mean that you take lessons

  2. just keep practicing at home. the times when my studio took a few weeks off for vacation or shows or something i would follow my same schedule, and do my hours of dance, same stuff just like in my class except at home. it keeps you in shape, you dont totally lose everything and keeps you flexible! you lose flexibility SUPPER fast so dont even try to test that, you have to work 3 times as hard to get it back again so donttt lose it trust me you will regret it!

    if people ask, say im taking a short break in my career :)

  3. awww i'm extremly sorry to hear that! Thats awful, especially if its what u love. Thank gosh my rentz support me in my dancing.

    Most defiantly keep practing, stretching ect.

    But as soon as ur have enough money, (get a job) then get back in!! Cuz u can't teach urself u don't know and teachers guide u and tell if u doing it correct!

    Keep dancing, make ur dreams come true and never give up!

  4. Maybe you could find out if you could work at the dance studio in exchange for classes answer phones take money!? Just a thought!

  5. find a cheaper dance studio first of all if u live in southern california i suggest claylees dance academy.ddr is definitely not the same youd need to take classes find out a way to get some financial help see if you can work at the studio in exchange for lessons...taking a high school dance class is definitely not the same as a real dance class the teachers are often inexperienced like my sisters teacher who i will have this year had my sister teach for her and my sister has only been dancing for 3years

    ~best of luck and i hope this helped

    ~sorry to hear about all of tht

  6. well how old are you? could you get a job and pay for them yourself? or maybe your parents could pay half and you could pay half. DDR really isnt dancing. but i would definatly keep stretching and practicing because maybe someday your parents will win the lotery or something and you can dance again. i dont know. and if you cant get a job, or your parents still wont let you. you can save up your money and when you finally have enough, show your parents and maybe they'll let you take classes again. and if your really desperate, maybe you can switch dance studios that have cheaper classes.

    and if you cant take classes, like if your parents are totally against the idea, then if somebody asks you if your taking classes, just say "well i used to but it got so expensive my parents made me quit" im sorry hun, thats all the advice i have for you. i hope your parents will let you take classes again.

  7. you should mow lawns or somthing and tell ur parents you will help pay for them. also stop buying more costumes.

    if that doesnt work and u have a Y membership go take like yoga to keep your flexibility up and keep dancing on ur own.

    >>good luck and i hope u can keep dancing!

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