
I can't beat the elet 4 and all my pokemon are 55-85 can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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i need some ones help to do this cuz i can't




  1. i beat my elite 4 when all my pokemon was under lv 50

  2. Bring loads of ites such as full restores and revives and that to heal your pokemon. train them til there high levels and teach them good moves and have different types of pokemon in your team don't have 2 of the same type and teach a pokemon differnt type of moves not just 1 type move like fire.

    Don't know what game your on about it could be Ruby or Sapphire or Diamond or Pearl. I don't know if i knew i could give you what type of pokemon your up against.

  3. i can help.

    Get your pokemons lvls higher or catch new better pokemon.

    or buy loads of potions likw=e 100

  4. For a start what is you team with attacks and levels as that may be the problem.

  5. you should bring along a lot of things.... hyper potions, full restore, revive, heals...etc. you should also save in front each member in the elite four just in case..... i hope this helped!! XD

  6. u have to level them all to at least 80- 100 for best and easiest way to beat the elite 4

    trust me  by doing that you get through A LOT easier

  7. Make sure you bring a lot and i mean A LOT of items eg. hyper potions, full restores and other necessary items. Then there is the leaders. Rock, ghost, dragon, and ice then the champion. Bring 2 water pokemon KYOGRE IS A MUST, 1 dragon type (Salamence is a good choice), your starter and 1or2 fire types and a strong pokemon of your choice. Good Luck and one more thing, have you got leftovers or shell bell? Put them on your pokemon, it helps a lot. I only have pokemon level 44-67 so you are better than me so why can't you beat the elite four?

  8. Get Digimon, i heard there better

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