
I can't believe I'm asking this, but I'm honestly serious....?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I had a "quickie" this afternoon before he left for work. Our two boys were asleep so we took advantage of it. He has said that we aren't PLANNING to have anymore kids, but if it happens, it happens. Last night he was gung-ho about having another baby. But about face on the idea. When we had our fun earlier...he "finished" and some was kind of close to my v****a. I kind of stuck a little in there, in hopes that it would work and I'd get pregnant. Is that naive of me to think that? Could it actually happen just by me doing that? I'm sorry it's TMI, but this is a legitimate question. Only serious responses please. I don't particularly care to see people's smart remarks today. I don't ask off the wall questions like this on a regular basis. Thanks in advance!




  1. I'm not sure if it actually will work that way, but what my concern is, is that you're kind of tricking your husband into this.  Before you decide by yourself that you want another child, you really need to discuss it more with your hubby.  Otherwise, it could cause some serious problems in your marriage.  And I promise, I'm not trying to be smart about this, but I've seen a marriage fall apart because the wife went off her pill without telling her husband(who didn't want anymore kids) and he ended up leaving her.

  2. there's a tiny chance if you were ovulating (try an online ovulation calculator to see if you were).. but it's unlikely..

    I would be careful about 'tricking' him into having another child, a friend of mine had a girl try to do that to him and he was devastated (they weren't married with kids, but still it's pretty vindictive to bring a child into the world against someone's will)

  3. Yes, technically, ejacutlation that landed outside the v****a can get inside and cause pregnancy.  Not really likely though.

    However, I think you need to sit down and re-evaluate whats going on.  He ejaculated outside of you.  While the pull out method isnt the most reliable, it is in fact one form of birth control.  If he really wasnt opposed to having another baby, why pull out?

    And beyond that, trying to get yourself preg in the way you did is kind of underhanded given that he pulled out for a reason - he doesnt want to get preg.

    Normally I wouldnt be so quick to say that, but you speak of this as if pulling out is the typical thing that happens.  No one pulls out all the time unless they are trying to avoid preg.

  4. Next time wrap your legs around him so he can't pull out. All is fair in love and war. He is your husband, you are not tricking him he is right there. He says if it happens it happens, so make it happen. That is probably what he wants anyway,since he is not using protection. And yes to your question,push it up as far as you can.

  5. It really is possible!! You can actually get pregnant from just "petting" if you have s***n on your hands or fingers.  Probably not the most sure fire way to get pregnant but it is possible.

  6. HA!  Yes, you could get pregnant because the sperm were still alive, and truthfully he probably got some in you anyway.  It is not like you talked to him about it and he said no.  You are married and if he didn't want another child he would be taking the necessary measures to make sure it didn't happen.  Don't tell him you did that though! LOL

  7. its possiable, not very likely, but possiable!

  8. I'm sure it could work.  I mean it'd be more likely if he finished inside you but hey it only takes one sperm to make a baby.  Maybe you'll get lucky?

    Your question isn't stupid or off the wall, its actually kind of interesting.  I'm guessing you want to have another little bundle huh?  If you do i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Good Luck!

  9. Yes it could work...sperm can live for quite some time. specailly in such a warm area,,,,

    besides pre c u m can also get you pregnant...

  10. Well obviously he's not tottaly against the idea or he would insist on some type of birth control so dont go feeling bad about it. Hes a man they never fully know what they want haha, but I'm sure if you do end up pregnant he will be nothing but happy. and yes of course you could still end up pregnant that way. Not as likely if he was to go inside you but still possiable.   Hope all turns out the way it should. :o)

  11. I do believe there is a chance this could work...I've always thought that sperm died when they hit air but if it was warm and moist(sorry) down south then I could see them possibly living long enough for you to do this and then setting course for the egg. Also pre-*** can get you pregnant just as easily as the finished product so that might help out also.

    And don't feel bad about your hubby cause mine does and did the same thing...forever he only wanted one baby..after our first daughter came he wanted another and then that was it...well I wasn't on BC after our second daughter and we got pregnant with our 3rd(as of now 6 months along) and he always said that he wanted 5 kids and now all of the sudden this it the last and he is dead set on gettin fixed after this I think its a guy thing...and they say women change their mind way too often! The Pot callin the Kettle black I think!!!!

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