
I can't believe I did this.... advice please?

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She was sleeping before I put her in the car (we left at her bed time)




  1. We all get the terrible mother award at some point - don't worry about it, you did exactly right by calling the doctor as soon as you realized there might be a problem.  If you are concerned about her behaviour, take her to the emergency room to set you mind at ease, but if the doctor isn't concerned then there's no need for you to be either.

    Be thankful that you got your "award" without really causing any harm to your little girl. :)

  2. oh wow. just watch. CAREFULLY.

  3. I think she will be OK if she's acting normal now. You called the doc & that was good! There's really nothing u can do about it, just move on and now u know what to avoid in the future. You are a good mom to worry like that, but calm down just a little or you are going to make yourself an irritable mess and that's not going to help anyone.

    Really though, it'll just be one of those events that you will joke about in the future whenever she does something goofy! ...Just blame it on the fumes, lol.

  4. 'smell of gas, but thought it was just a little gas on my hands from filling up the car. When I got home and opened the back door to the car, the smell of gas was STRONG. I quickly got my daughter out, woke her up (she slept the whole way home)'

    ..The REASON she slept so long is because of the gas fumes! I'd take her to the ER to be examined, NOW! Seriously, gas fumes can KILL an infant.

  5. gas makes u sleepy :] well me atleast  

  6. If the DOCTOR said she is fine, then you have NOTHING to worry about. Now, if it were a gas leak in your house and if you and your child slept the WHOLE night then you both of you could have died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

  7. shes totally ok. u should only worry if she drank any of it, which im sure she didnt. if ur still worried, wash her mouth and nose and just give her a good wash. also, put clean clothes on her, and wash her hair too. everything should be fine. and dont worry, it cant kill and infant. the reason she slept so long is cuz babys sleep forever.

  8. The baby will be alright...I know what you mean though, I had to work around gas fumes for a year, listen to her breathing to make sure she not all congested.

  9. If you called the doctor and he said she could be fine then don't worry.  Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't act weird or get sick...if you notice anything weird take her to ER.  The fumes from the gad one time won't kill her or anything or cause any permanent will probably make her have a headache or make her sick to her stomach but she will be fine just watch her close!!

    You washed and changed her so thats good so the smell isn't sticking to her clothes!

    Everyone makes mistakes-You are not a terrible Mom!!!  if you were you wouldn't care so much :)

  10. I wouldn't worry about it, but I certainly understand your fear!  My husband once brought home a lawn mower he found in someone's trash.  He filled it with gas and put it in our attached garage.  By morning, the whole house reeked with the smell of gas!  I was afraid to turn a light switch on or to even open the garage door by using the automatic garage door opener.  We all got up, opened the windows and doors and aired the house and garage out--then found that the mower had a cracked gas tank on it, so ALL the gas had leaked out!  Even though the smell of gas was strong, none of us ever got sick :o)  Anytime you carry chemicals in your vehicle (in the future), just crack your windows a few inches just in case, so the smell will go outside.  Your not a terrible mother!  How could you have known that the gas from the edger was going to stink up your vehicle if you never brought one home before?  Be gentle with yourself...and learn from your experiences :o)

  11. I agree that if she is acting normal and the Dr. said she is fine, that she is fine.

    Please don't beat yourself up about this.  I am sure you're a good mother- and we've all made mistakes in raising our kids.  I wouldn't have thought twice about putting the edger in there either.

    Bad moms don't CARE- you're definitely not in that category.  I'm sure you'll have the windows down if you have to transport it and her again.

    I am sure she's fine. ((((Hugs from a fellow mom!))))

  12. in low concentrations it should (80-85% of time) be harmless to that young a human. in the other 15-20% of time the effects would still be minimal  

  13. If the doctor says she is fine, just keep a really good eye on her. Any worries or concerns just take her to see the doctor. I'm sure she will be just fine!  

  14. Your not a horrible mom.  We all do things that seem like we are though once in awhile.  You did the right thing though by letting your daughter get fresh air, changing her and calling the doctor.  You said she was sleeping before you left, so that means the fumes did not make her go to sleep.  Besides those edgers hold a small amount of gas, and because it was inside the container, its not as bad as it sounds.  If she was in direct contact with the fumes (on her skin, open container...) then I would be a little worried.  Try not to beat yourself up, and keep on eye on your daughter.  If she starts to act funny then take her to the doctor.  Remember we all make mistakes, were only human.      

  15. i don't know, but i'm sure she will be fine .. if the doctor says its ok then i'm sure its ok  

  16. These things are sent to try us. I'm sure she will be fine. If she doesn't wake up at her normal time then ring the doctor again.  

  17. I know you're very worried but everything is going to be okay.  I know the smell of gasoline was strong, but the concentration of gas molecules in the air was probably fairly low compared to the concentration levels needed for any type of acute toxicity.  Remember, when people are using inhalants to get high they stick their heads right into or immediately next to the source to be able to get very high concentrations of the toxins.  And generally speaking, things like liver or kidney damage would come from chronic exposure not just from a single exposure.  Things to look for changes in would be skin color (jaundice), urine output, or behavioral changes, but I don't think there's anything to worry about.

  18. Gas doesnt hurt anyone its just there, it was probably just a new smell to her, but i would just watch her and call the dr. if anything weird happens

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