
I can't believe my ex had the nerve to??

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ask me out on a date when I am engaged to be married in a few weeks! We have remained on "amicable" terms for the sake of the family and my fiance is more than tolerant and understanding about our communication but he has crossed the line. He has a girlfriend that he lives with but he can't seem to move on. I love my fiance very much and would never consider doing anything to jeapordize our relationship. I am much happier now than I have ever been in my life (except for when the kids were born, but that's different). What would you do?




  1. Just tell that DOLT to F-Off!

  2. well, if you think it's gonna affect you somehow, simply don't go.

  3. Quit talking to him period.  Obviously he doesn't care about your new fiance, he is trying to get you back.  

  4. Well,just tell him to go to h**l

  5. tell him to p**s off

  6. If you haven't already done so, tell your fiance.

    As for your ex, tell him you love your fiance. Don't argue with him or insult him. Just tell him you don't have those feelings for him anymore and that he is crossing the line by asking you out.

    It sounds like you two have children together, but even so I would distance myself as much as possible from him if he can't seem to move on. Don't engage in conversations with him that don't involve your children.

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