
I can't believe someone said this....?

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She would not vote for Hillary because she was abused because her husband cheated and she forgave him....Why do some AMERICANS make it their business to get into the bedrooms of politicians....Don't you agree that is a private matter between couples, and has NOTHING whatso ever to do with how someone runs a country???

Do you realize how the rest of the world laughed at America for having a STUPID trial with Clinton and what he said about the woman he had an affair with...Some American want a lily white ..with no faults...DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY POWERFUL MEN FULL AROUND...85% of men cheat and the other 15% are abroad!!!! LOL




  1. its not about the s*x, its about being untrustworthy. it is a private matter, but if youre a public figure, everything you do will be overscrutinized and blown out of proportion. if you want to cheat on your wife, thats fine. but dont expect me to trust the wife to handle tough situations if she doesnt have the guts to stand up and have more respect for herself. not many women deserve to be cheated on, and those that allow it to continue, it are weak.

    EDIT: if you believe all men are cheaters then i feel sorry for you. by your own words, you do not tolerate cheaters, but if all men do it, then why even waste your time? you must lead a sad pathetic lonely life

  2. Shows something about her personality, what else will she forgive when and if she is elected president? Dirty bombs? Hijackings? Killings of Americans abroad?

  3. the irony of it all is that there are only two Presidents in history who have not been proven to have at some point cheated on their wives. Ronald Reagan, when asked, refused to answer the question of whether he cheated on his wife when he was President.  The only two to have not been proven to are Buchanan (who never married) and George W. who is still very new.  But because Clinton got caught his wife gets flack for it.  That's a ridiculous reason not to vote for Clinton, there are so many other good reaasons not to vote for her instead.

  4. I wish more people around the world hated America - that way maybe millions of foreigners would stop trying to sneak in here illegally!

  5. Well they had a trail because he LIED! to the supreme court.You know...PERJURY!  I would think she was noble for staying with her Husband giving him a 2nd chance..except for all the other woman Bill was with between Arkansas and the Whitehouse.That proves to me she is immoral and power hungry and that her marriage is a shell,to acquire power.The ladys remark you heard is a little off the mark.Hillary is a closet marxist just waiting to jump out(of the closet )

  6. BILL CINTON looked into a news camera and straight out lied to America and his wife. His budget cuts in defense, caused a complete break down in foreign intell. He left office, with this country in a recession, and high unemployment rates. His brainless child NAFTA... oh my god... it just speaks for it self. Slick Willie is by far one of our worse presidents.

  7. its none of our business if her husband having s*x with someone else its Hillary's  problem. Forgiving husband  between hijackers thats different.  death penalty for hijackers, bombers, & terrorist

  8. I think it's fascinating that some foreigners are obsessed with America and everything American.  I think it's funny that they think we all care what they think.  Yep, integrity is extremely important to the majority of Americans.  Believe it or not.

  9. lol.....I will refresh to see the responses.Although I am sure most of them will say it wasn't the s*x it was because he lied.Like they get caught they will say the truth.just another pathetic side from the american culture - I can judge but you can't

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