
I can't believe these 'ladies' were released without charge. Do you think they were let off lightly?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The British abroad!  What shameful behaviour.  Yes they should have been arrested, and they should not be allowed on a plane again either.

  2. I think personally the alcohol should have stopped flowing earlier than what it did. Then when the two women  arrived in Frankfurt , should have being charged. Risking everyone elses lives. Hope they had to find an alternative way home, I would not like to have put them on another areoplane. Would it be safe for them to use the euro tunnel etc.

  3. It must have been terrifying for the other passengers, and I am a bad flier, so I would be really panicky.

    These 2 flying to Manchester, I fly from Manchester, I hope I never encounter them. They should be banned from flying, lol.

    All because of alcohol ~ I love the stuff too, but I'm not that daft!

  4. Sorry but these kind of things should have serious consequences, such as if you cause any disruption whilst in flight on entering your home country you should have your passport stamped banning you from flying for 5 years! That should teach these kind of people they have to behave whilst travelling for the sake of safety of other passengers.

    Germany should have fined them too for causing them added disruptions to their air traffic control etc.

    Perhaps we should ask ourselves whether alcohol should be available on board in the future?

  5. It says that charges may be brought. I sincerely hope so!

  6. ladies? there are saner people behind bars, if someone would have smacked them one to shut the stupid b*****s up it would have been another story, i cant find words bad enough for them

  7. extremely!!

    they have banned smoking so why not ban alcohol too.

  8. Calm down. Girls just wanna have fun.

  9. They should definitely be charged with endangering life

  10. Why on earth were they allowed to have a whole bottle of vodka in the cabin??

  11. They should be banned from flying if they are that stupid.

  12. They should be charged.

  13. They should be in prison for attempting to endanger an aircraft and/or it's crew and passengers.

  14. What arsewipes!!  They put a whole aircraft in danger and should be punished accordingly not released without charge.  I dont think being drunk should ever excuse behaviour, its not like they were held down and forced to drink, they are grown women and if they cant learn to behave themselves they shouldnt be allowed places they would be able to endanger people.

    What gets my goat is that people who commit air rage offenses blame it on being nervous fliers, I'm a really nervous flyer, I dont do anything but sit in my seat gripping on to the arm rest

  15. Yes they were let off lightly. Alcohol needs to be banned on flights

  16. They should be jailed, how could they be so stupid, putting everyones life at risk.

  17. They will almost certainly face charges or Germany may face problems in the aviation sector.

    But if the Germans are so silly as to not charge them then I am sure the airline involved will consider civil action to recover the considerable cost of the diversion!!!

  18. They should have got a week in jail each

  19. .....and yet they jailed a bloke for 3 months for using his mobile in flight...,strange world eh?

  20. Good thing I wasn't on that plane, I would've smashed them in the head until they were limp unconsious blobs on the floor.  Especially if my family was on the plane too.  The better be fully prosecuted, a man would be.  I hope the airline sues for compensation and maybe a few passengers as well for being terrorized by stupid drunk c.unts.

    It's bad enough these days flying wondering if there is a ******** bomb on the plane, nevermind some r****d trying to open the door.

    Edit, about the banning alcohol, why?  Because some fools can't hold their liquor and manage themselves, that's fair to the rest of us.  Why should we let retards like this ruin it for everyone else, just fire them in the klink for 5 years ban them from flying for a further 10 years and hit them with 100000 pound fine.  That should be a suitable deterrent for any other morons.

  21. They should have been jailed for at least 3 months

    and banned from flying with that airline.

  22. They should at least be charged with assault & endangering the lives of a few hundred people.

  23. Absolutely. The other  passengers must have  been terrified. I know I would have been. Surely there will be action taken against them.  God help us all if they are allowed to fly again.  How that could be policed, I don't know, but it needs to be .

  24. The other passengers should have beaten them to death.

  25. They surely were.  They should have their passports taken away, so that they can't fly again until they are more responsible.  Maybe in 20 years time.  They should have to compensate the airline for the unplanned stop over.  They should have to compensate all the passengers who were inconvenienced by the stop over.  They should be charged with assaulting the passenger they attacked.  They should be charged with unruly behaviour, endangering lives - even attempted murder (if they had manage to open the door it would have killed everyone on board).    Sounds like a custodial sentence to me.    I wonder if the police would have let them go if they had been men rather than women.

  26. Too right they were let off lightly...there is  no rhyme or reason with our legal system here. Had it have been 2 males i'm sure they would have been charged!

    This is a serious offence and others have been charged and dealt with at Crown Court for similar matters for endangering a flight.

    There is one rule for one and one rule for another!

  27. It is an absolute disgrace that these women have been released, so far without charge.

    If the the German or Austrian authorities (they were in Austrian airspace when the incident occurred and had the plane crashed it could have cost many lives on top of those who would have died in the plane) do not take further action then the British authorities not only should, they MUST take action against these idiots.

    The fact that they were drunk is absolutely no excuse. They potentially put the the lives of all the passengers and crew at risk with their stupid antics.

    They should be taken to court and given a very lengthy prison sentence if found guilty.

    I am afraid that I also feel that the cabin crew on that flight must shoulder a portion of the blame. They must have realised that these two were getting drunk and they should have refused to served them more alcohol way before the problem reached the stage it did.

    How can the crew subdue someone when they allow those passengers to carry on drinking when they know they have already drunk more than is usual and they are a potential hazard to passengers and crew.

    This is not the first time this type of thing has happened on a aeroplane in flight. Perhaps its time to rethink the policy of allowing passengers to drink alcohol on a plane.

    If someone appears drunk before boarding a flight, the authorities have the power to prevent them from taking that flight.


  28. what silly little b*****s!!!!!!!

    they were defiantly let off lightly!!!!! idiots!!!!!

    its what i keep saying, this country needs stronger laws and tougher punishments!!!!!!!!   people seem to get away with everything these days!

    when will it stop??

    just a comment for Dennis t!!!! grow up u t**t.......people could have been killed, children could have been on board, how would you feel if it was your your family up there!?

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