I'm crazy upset today. I was out with a sick child yesterday, so I called in for a sub. Well there was no sub available, so they asked other teachers to fill in each hour. We've all done that before, but here's the problem. The principal told everyone to "give a study hall" just because the first hour teacher said he couldn't teach the concept.
Now, middle school math isn't the hardest to teach. These are educated people we are talking about. Some of them were math teachers themselves! However, the principal thought they should remain consistent and give a study hall all day just because the first teacher didn't have a clue.
Lesson - finding a percent of a number.
25% of 300 would be 25% times 300 = 75
How hard can it be with a manual, lesson plans, and a calculator!
Oh boy I'm ready for summer vacation but I am extremely irritated with my principal.
Why is this here? I need a nice approach for the principal to keep a level head. Also, some words of encouragement!