
I can't believed she turned out this way, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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wow like seriously she looked like a nice person and she was, she used to like me, however when she figured that almost every guy liked her she changed

i am depressed now she is going after the sophmores and c**p, thinking she is cool and s**t.

am so pi$$ed

and today when i tried talking 2 her she just answered my question and walked away as if we were both from different worlds.

and told her friend that i was trying to start a conversation with her and laghed, in a good way but still she told her right in front of my face

Gosh i am so mad, and shocked

so lets just say she falls for me again and am mostly sure she will, what should i do?

I was thinking about asking this one junior who likes me but i mean i dont know?

Please help am very confused and shocked. she seemed like the nicest girl




  1. I know how you feel man, There was a girl who used to sorta joke around with me and even asked me out once, Now, she flirts with all the jerks and preps and wont even talk to me.

    I just sorta look at new people, i sometimes look back and wish that she hadn't turned out like that, but i figure why worry about it so much now?

  2. A Very Contrary Girl; Move on and be Smart...!!

  3. Move on and ask the other girl out.  It's her loss.  

  4. If you ask the other girl out but you still like the first girl shes likely to get hurt if you're still hung up on somebody else. Ignore the first girl and if she approaches you tell her shes changed and you don't feel like you can be friends with the person she is now. It will either make her change back or cut her out of your life which if she's changed like you said couldn't alltogether be a bad thing

  5. boys boys boys, when will you learn that teen girls are only in-it (for lack of a better word) for themselves.

    You're in school, popularity will always come before love. Get over her, move on. Ask the girl you now have a chance with. Trust me if she thinks she's too good for you, she probably is.

  6. Popularity can get to so many peoples heads.  And unfortunately there is pretty much nothing that one can do to help it.

    My guy friend is like that. I keep trying to tell him that all the popularity he's getting among people is getting to his head and he just won't listen.

    So do what I'm at the moment trying to do, just move on. She's changed, and something will probably happen some ways down the road, and her popularity will drop. And then she'll all of a sudden remember "there used to be this guy that I really liked, but what happened to him?" Meanwhile you've just moved on. And that is the best thing you can do. It may sound like you've given up, but your priority now is to not get hurt as much as you would like there to be something between the two of you, she doesn't seem to feel the same way, and you should never force a relationship on to anyone.

    Best of wishes


  7. Well I think the attention she is getting from all the other guys is going to her head. She sounds a little immature and does not know how to handle or deal with the attention. If I were you I would definitely ask the junior who likes you out, providing you like her too.  You sound like a nice guy and don't deserve being treated like the swelled headed bimbo is treating you. Move on, only time will tell if she smartens up and wants you again,  When and if that time comes you will make your decision then,  Good luck and open yourself up to new relationships.

  8. go for the girl who likes you. ive made the mistake of trying to get at a girl who wasnt interested in me in high school, and lost out on the girl or girls that liked me a few times because i dint pay them any attention. Take the one who is interested in u and forget about the other one, she don't want you.

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