
I can't breathe!!!!???

by  |  earlier

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Help! My nose is totally clogged. I cannot breathe out of either nostril. My turbinates are COMPLETELY swollen in BOTH nostrils. I am miserable! Why? What is wrong with my nose?




  1. salt water!

    it happens to me during the winter sooo much.

    they sell salt water in a special can for your nose, if not, mix salt with water, let it disolve a little and spray it isnide your nose

  2. you need to go see the doc try using nose drops they help

  3. you need to be at the dr. or emergency room now//////    when you get home you need to always drink plenty of water, get you saline nasal spray, and get you some breathe right strips. this is what i do. i use saline nasal spray because you can't get addicted. i was addicted to nasal spray years ago. i thought i was never going to be free again, but i did finally get rid of it. i have sinus, asthma and hay fever. you can also stand over the sink and breathe in the steam, drink or eat something hot or spicy. peppermint is good. mexican food is good.

  4. go to the health food store and buy a product called"sinus buster".

    It will burn/sting for a few minutes but it will open up the passages.After you spray each nostril, bend forward so it goes up into the sinuses. Works better than anything prescribed by  a doctor.

    If you have hot sauce, hot mustard or horseradish, eat some, it will loosen things up as well.
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