
I can't breathe when i swim??

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I recently started swimming lessons and I can't breathe when i do freestyle, butterfly, and etc. I'll take a big breathe of air and start swimming. when my head comes back up from the water i take another breathe of air but i still find my self not getting enough air which causes me to stop swimming?? any help and tips to help my breathe while swimming?? also my ear hurts when i swim. any help on that?




  1. well, try to breathe more often until you get more adjusted to the water (your lungs are probably just kinda weak, but preactice will fix that!)

    if your ears hurt, you could try earplugs, or if its swimmers ear, try a solution of vinager and rubbing alchohol and pour a small amount into your ear and leave it for a few minutes and that usually helps alot

  2. The reason you are not getting enough air is due to the fact that you are holding your breath while in the water and exhaling and inhaling when you turn to breathe.  This will cause you to hyperventilate.  You need to breathe in the mouth on the side and slowly exhale out the nose while in the water.  When you turn to breathe, you should only be inhaling.  Practice by performing "bobs".  Inhale through the mouth and then submerge and exhale slowly out the nose under water.  Lift up, and inhale again through the mouth and repeat.  This will set you on your way to breathing properly.  If your ear hurts, it is more than likely getting water in it and you can wear an ear plug, if necessary.

  3. you just have to build your stamina up, it'll get better.

    make sure that on butterfly you push yourself out of the water enough to take a good gulp of air, but not enough to impair your time.

    on freestyle, try and lift your head a little more out of the water out the side.

    but it seems that you just need to build your cardio up more so you can last longer.

    the best thing you can do is continue to suffer through practice, and you'll get it.

    good luck=)

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