I'm nearing twenty. My problems began when I was still in high school. I still have the same friends from back then - no new ones, really. The majority of my friends were (and are still) unorthodox people; some are social, some are not. I was probably influenced the most by a good friend who has lots of siblings that never graduated from high school. Among these siblings, one brother, in his early twenties, was very intelligent. Before he took his oddness to the point sociopathy, we had often had some very interesting conversations. Getting a bit off-topic here.
I never graduated from high school. A while after quitting high school, I left my parent's house to start a career in another part of this country, where I had an apprenticeship. I went and lived with a friend, whom I now regret ever having met. Eventually, this friend, and some past influences made me quit my job.
After a while, I moved back; it was close to home, except I lived in my friend's parent's basement. I hardly maintained contact with my parents; I am very antisocial (though I haven't always been this way).
I quickly realized that I had to get out of that basement, but I had already developed a strong addiction to that environment, and that eventually became a fear of going outside. Nearing the end of the basement era, I was becoming similar to my sociopath friend, and feared for my long-term mental health. With the support of my soul mate, who lives in another country, I overcame my fears and moved back to my parent's house (a big step, moving back to your parent's house).
Progress since leaving the basement...? Physically, I'm in excellent form; before the basement happened, I had already been exercising regularly. I came out a stick, but have put on a substantial amount of meat since then. I'm pretty sure I've finally figured out what I want to do for a career. The person that unknowingly got me out of the basement now knows everything about me. We love and care for each other more than we care for ourselves, we admire and respect one another like no one else we've met, and yet we still haven't met.
I want to do everything there is to do in life, and excel in all things. I know I am a capable, healthy person... and I am willing to work for what I want. And yet.. I can't bring myself to do anything! It's as if I'm still in the basement. I stutter and stammer and mumble when communicating with people I don't know. I can't seem to find the motivation to hold a job. I'm very apathetic to anything concerning my well-being.. yet I am concerned. Everything is going wrong. I can't bring myself to do anything. I want to, and I know that I can, that there is no problem; but I can't. The only thing I have been able to bring myself to do is exercise in a dedicated manner; other than that, I just can't bring myself to do anything. It feels impossible.
So my question is.. can you help me? I refuse to see a 'mental doctor' or go through any sort of counselling, but if there are any actual doctors out there, I would REALLY appreciate your opinion. Though I'm a strong believer in keeping these kinds of problems to oneself, this problem is getting (has been for a LONG time) out of hand, and I feel that I am running out of time.
Does anyone out there know somebody like me? Could this be a mental illness?
Please don't flame.