
I can't bring myself to drink water, why?

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I have been trying so hard these past few weeks to drink more water, but I just can't. I had my mom stop buying soda and sugary drinks like Sunny D, Kool-aid, etc. but I just find it so hard to drink water. I can take 3 sips from a water bottle then I'll never finish it. Not to mention, a water bottle at school is $2.00 =[

What am I supposed to do? I've put lemon juice in there but it just made it gross...Are those crystal light packets any good? What flavor is good?




  1. dude get vitamin water.

    the best flavors are dragonfruit, orange-orange, and fruit punch. there are other flavors. i like those 2 the best. especially dragonfruit.

  2. Try keeping your water really cold, this makes it more appealing.. My kids all had issues with drinking water- they much rather drink milk or juice... But give yourself time. The crystal light things and Propel have an after taste... which I cant stand, hence why I cannot recomend those. :>

  3. WTF?

    Get yourself a big insulated mug...I recommend the 52 oz "Bubba Keg". Fill with ice & water, then sip all day.

    I drink almost a gallon a day like this. If I ever find myself WITHOUT my mug, I get totally freaked out.

  4. Try the berry propel powder - yum!

  5. Ohhhh the crystal like packets ARE AMAZING! Our family has them and OMG THERE THE BEST!!! Rasberry is the best one actually even though it doesn't sound like it!!! you mean the power ones you put in the water? YEAH those ones!!!

           I GO CRAZY FOR THEM 0.0 lol

  6. You don't want water, what else can I say?

  7. Have you tried the flavored water yet no calories?  H2O is pretty good and it is carbonated.  Crystal Light is great.  I like Raspberry and Lemonade flavors.

  8. There's different water to try.

    Propel made by Gatorade comes in different flavors.

    Life Water, which I think is the name for that water advertised on the commercial with the dancing lizards is another one.

    There's different ones if you go to the stores, so many more varieties than I can think of of the top of my head. There's Fruit20 which comes in Grape, Lemon, Strawberry, and Raspberry from what I know.

  9. well, the lemonade crystal light packets taste just like normal lemonade, and I like them a lot.  I think the peach tea is a little too sweet, and personally I don't really like the rasperry one, but then I don't really like raspberries in general.  Although, keep in mind, they are low in calories and sugar, but are made with artificial sweetener, and apparently the jury is still out on what the adverse effects are of that.

  10. get vitamin water =]

  11. vitamin water is really good...i usually get the lemonade flavor or propel....the berry flavor is amazing hah

  12. maybe because--it has been to easy to grab a quick drink from the fridge-------i do the same --break your habit-----what i do is --keep a cup on top of my refridgerator-----every time i walk by --i stop grab the cup---push it in to the fridge cold water spout and take about a six ounce drink--put the cup back---for next time i pass by---this works for me--this happens about 6 to 12 times a day---even at night---it's hard to get started---once you develope this habit --it's just as easy as opening the fridge for a pop--or orange juice--or sunny D---

  13. i love the crystal light packets! i get lemonade (yellow) and raspberry ice (i think that's what it's called). they're really tasty and taste just like fruit juice!

  14. I have had the propel things. They are similar to Crystal Lite, and they are really good, I think. You could also try the already flavored water.

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