
I can't buy a contact lens, because they say, that my eyes got different grade. why? is it true?

by  |  earlier

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my right eye got the grade of 150 and my left got 125.. what should i do? i dont want to wear, eyeglasses!!




  1. It's cheaper (and more convenient) for the companies to sell contacts in  matching sets.  That's why they usually say you can't (and your doctor may not carry non-matching sets).

    But, you can, but it might cost a little more (and require you to buy them from someone other than your doctor).  I have contacts, and my eyes require the weakest prescriptions you can get.  Also, my left and right eyes are slightly different from each other (as are most people's naturally).  I had to buy the lenses for each of my eyes seperate instead of as a matching set.  I use Acuvue because it's easier for me to get my prescription and get them seperately for each eye.

    Since you've never worn contacts before, I'd guess, they're a lot more of a pain than you'll realize.  They're also not really any more comfortable or convenient than glasses.  Honestly, the only reason to wear contacts is for "beauty."

  2. That's ridiculous- you just keep them separate, and in a labeled place.

  3. take an operation. if u have money.  if wearing eyeglasses is the only way, to takecare of your eyes, wear it, even if u like it or not.

  4. That is ridiculous.  I fit people all the time in different powers such as these. So long as you have a current prescription, you should be able to purchase the lenses in the appropriate power in each eye.  Depending on the laws in your area, the doctor is required to give you a copy of the prescription once it's established and you can purchase the lenses anywhere you choose.  If you run into difficulty, find a new doctor, or talk to the regulatory board.

  5. That's silly.

    My left eye is -1.75 and my right is -2 or something to that extent and I wear contact lenses.

  6. I don't really know what you mean by grade, is it the sph, cyl or axis measurement? It could be because you have a high astigmatism, in which case there are special 'toric' contact lenses which you may be able to wear

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