
I can't connect broadband connection due to forgot my user name & password . Tell me how please.?

by  |  earlier

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My DSL tel 323-728-8161 and I have a new laptop computer but I can't go to internet by wireless only sucessfully connect with wire cable, it is very inconvient. The old laptop is no problem to connect to broadband connection





  1. Talk to whoever provided you with the wireless service. If that was your Internet provider, call them. If that was someone else, talk to them.

  2. It sound like this is an issue with your wireless router, not your DSL connection.  (You say you can connect wired.)

    Connect via wired, and log in to your router's admin console.  (Typically "" from your browser.)  You can then retrieve and/or change the wireless encryption key needed to connect.  Then set the new laptop (and the old one, if you change it) to match.

    Of course, if you don't remember you router's admin password, then you'll probably have to reset the router to factory settings and re-enter all the information.

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