
I can't control my anger with my parents.

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I'm 13 and my parents have really been annoying me lately. Like, they always seem to ask me to do stuff just when I'm about to go out or do something. They always tell all their friends everything about me like, "oh she had a massive tantrum the other night" so then their friends know all about me and talk about me. It's like, it's my life... I don't need you to share it with your friends. I wasn't a good kid when I was little and I regret that but they always bring that up and tell me how much better my sister was than me.

I really hate them... and I really can't control my anger when I'm around them... don't know what to do !

help =D






  1. you need to have a talk with your parents about your concerns...but only when you're calm...just explain how these different things upset you,but tell them things you like about them too ( even if you have to make it up)...this will make them feel that they're not complete failures...

    don't lose your temper though, this will only make things worse, you need be mature and hear what their side of it is too...

    i know what's it's like to be 13 and hate your parents...i'm 21 and i can't stand my dad, although it's a different situation though, i won't go there...

    anyway good luck hun and i hope things get better for you :)

  2. Suggest that you would like to go seek help by a phsycologist.  When you turn 14 your eligable to obtain a part time job.  Keep ya distance from em and try to stay as independent as you can.  Dont rely on them for too much, then maybe try to see if you can try and talk things out with them.  If you cant just try your best to stay independant annd keep the peace.

  3. I think you should speak to your parents about how unreasonable they are being!! they don't have to humiliate you in front of there friends! why don't you try & prove to them that you have changes! but remember at the end of the day you are still a child & you have to do as your parents tell you to do! so when they ask you to do somthing that doesnt please you do it! believe me you will go all through your life doing things that doesnt please you!

  4. Hi there. Yeah, I know the feeling, conflict with parents and so on. I've been through that and a lot more.

    You are just 13, it's a time that your personality begins to develop much more. You are beginning to see everything different and also thinking.

    Those conflicts with your parents will decrease as you get older and realize how much they are important in your life.

    I know they may be annoying sometimes, say your sister or brother is better than you. They don't really mean to hurt you. They want your attention, wellness and LOVE.

    That's right! Love.

    A babe cries when he/she wants something, even adults do that too.

    Forget all the conflicts you had with them and open your heart.

    Give that love you have to them, show some appreciation and thankfulness.

    I guarantee everything will be a lot better.


    Some day they won't be here any more and you'll miss them.

    I hope I could help.

    My best wishes for you.

  5. If they upset you then you need to walk away before you get mad and start yelling or whatever you do...just remove yourself from the situation and go on a walk or something

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