
I can't cool my tanks. I lost three goldies do to sickness already what's wrong?

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I have tried cooling my tanks with ice packs and fans but nothing seems to be doing the trick. My fish are sick so water temp is important. I can't aford a chiller or get a pet store any time soon. Any sugestions. My fish also look like there slim coat is peeling off. At first I thought is was ich, but treatment did nothing, They just got worse and now tail rot. Now I'm treating for body fungus. Does this sound right? Should I treat my healthy fish too? (I seperated them) Please help I've already lost three in the last 24 hours.




  1. Do you have Chinese Algae eaters? Your slime coat being removed from your goldfish would be the Algae eaters fault if you have them. Chinese Algae eaters are sold saying they eat algae, they do when they're babies, but once they grow up they feed off of the slime coat your other fish make.

    If you can't keep it cold enough for your goldfish, move the tank to an area where the air conditioning vent can constantly hit it, that's the trick I did for my goldfish when I had them.

    Do a parameter test and make sure your water is alright and that there is nothing funky going on.

    If nothing else, donate the fish to your petstore so they can keep them properly and get fish more sutable to your water temperatures.

    Good luck to yah!

  2. you can't put ice packs in there tank that will stress them out and be way to cold. as for their slime coat you will have to go to the pet store as soon as possible and get some stress coat it will calm them down ,repair any damaged fins, and replace their slime coating.

    good luck, hope your fish feel better

  3. Try removing your hood and putting a fan to blow over the water. also, you could turn the a/c in your house down as it would keep the water temp cooler as well.

    Treating for a fungus is probably the way to go since they didn't respond to the ick treatment and those usually contain meds for bacterial infections.

    It doesn't hurt to treat the healthy fish either in case they are starting to get the illness, but isn't yet noticable.

    I'd also suggest a 50% water change. That will help remove anything bad from the water, like ammonia or nitrites, or even if nitrates are too high in your tank/

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