
I can't dance! all my friends can can you learn or what can I do about it?

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I'm a 20 year old man and I have never been able to dance.

I think its partly because im paranoid, but mainly I just seem to not be able to pick up the rhythm or move at all lol

Its a problem because all my friends dance and enjoy it and I just cant seem to do it!

is there anyway I can learn to dance or move to songs?

any tips





  1. Take some dancing lessons! That would be the best way and then, you will impress your friends!

  2. You could just put on some music with a steady rythem and move about to it. You might be surpised at how well you do when you are relaxed!

  3. I have never had rhythm, but the advantage is you get up for all the slow cheek to cheek songs, which is much more fun!

  4. Cause your friends dont dance and if they dont dance, well, they're no friends of mine

  5. you can dance, you're just afraid to.  the point of dancing is to look stupid, don't worry about it, just do it.

  6. If you're really paranoid, put on headphones, shut the door in a room you have space to dance in. And just dance to the rhythm. Also check youtube for some simple dance tutorials like club dancing moves and simple stuff.

    The more you get comfortable and relax the easier it will seem.

  7. First of all, do not stress about this.  Seriously.  The anxiety about it will make you seem sillier than the inablilty to dance.  Nobody cares!  Some of the funniest, greatest guys I know can't dance, and it's cute.  Trust me.  Just enjoy yourself.

  8. i dont know

  9. You need to feel the music - practice at home when no one is around. Put on some music and firstly just try and keep the beat by tapping your foot, do this to a few different songs until you notice that you are doing it without  thinking about it.

    Unfortunately some people have rhythm - some don't... but it's worth a try!

  10. You can take dance classes. There are also websites and videos you can watch and imitate. Like youtube. Or even better watch a dance workout. That is a way you can learn to dance a get a great workout.

  11. Become more flexible, do stretches. Go to some dance classes, even if you do not continue them, you wil pick up some tips from them, or even ask your friends to help!

    good luck!


  12. What to do and not look stupid:

    a) step side to side in time with the music

    b) bend your knees to make moves look fluid

    c) look around at what other people do and steal their moves

    d) talk to people so as they don't concentrate on your dancing

    What not to do:

    a) Do not clap your hands

    b) Do not point your finger while singing lyrics

    c) Do not spin on the spot

    d) Do not do air guitar


    you can dance rediculously stupid so that people think you can dance but choose not to


    If you don't like the song, walk off the dance floor with an attitude

  13. yea really dont dress about it but if you want to learn. Man up and ask your friends to teach you. Also you can search google, yahoo, and youtube for " how to dance"

  14. hmm if you dont have any rhythm dont even try im not been rude but if you dont dance to rythm you will look worse than a person who cant dance at all. ive been tryna teach my friend and he has no ryhtm at all and it is impossible.

    So my first point is learn rythm when you get that its not hard at all unless there doing special dancing like body popping or c-walking in that case i wuldnt try.

    it aint hard to dance to rythm jus move fluidly at the beat dont look ruff and rigid. clicking fingers n nodding your head n moving in an ordered sequence works so just try that!

  15. just chill and let yourself go to the music. listen and just move to it, its difficult to explain. if you are self conscious at parties and stuff try just having music on at home and you will probabl find yourself moving in time to that. trust me, there is not real way to dance, you just let go!

    enjoy xx

  16. awww... hunny why don't you just go out and buy some nice dvd that will help you to dance? about the songs i think you should buy some r&b or maybe some hip hop i dont no the sort of music you like but the ones i mentioned normaly have some nice beats try nelly and neyo music there guys how about some rap? im sorry i cant help you anymore i tried my best

  17. First of all, everyone's right about trying to relax. The main thing about dancing is to move to music the way you want to.

    If you feel to embarrassed to ask friends for help, or but DVDs, then you could, as a last choice, take dance lessons.

    There will be some in your area, just google it to find them.

    Now I know you want to do disco, but you may not find classes in this.  It doesn't really matter what type of dancing it is, case they all teach you rhythm.

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