
I can't dance at all at parties but I can dance in my room?

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I really can dance.But when it comes to party time and the hip hop music is playing I can barely move.Im so stiff in my moves and its even worse when it comes to dancing with a guy or my boyfriend.What should I do by the way I don't drink.Do I need more practice on how to groove or what .




  1. This used to happen to me and it went away when I became more confident in public. I would just think of myself in my room and relax until you get into the groove. Think about the music and how it makes you feel. Ignore everything else.

  2. Dear Ashanti, You can dance in your room.

  3. You dance at home easily because you know nobody watch you and in parties you are worry to make fault and those suspicions are make you not dancing relax.. it is used to happen to me too when l was 20 lol.. but finally learned not to care for people and be relax.. its also mental things .. you are just maybe afrading of being a bad position during the party .. ;) you dont need  any practise just trust urself when you are in party ;)

  4. Drink an Alabama slammer. You will never taste the alcohol!

  5. i am like this to but i think the key to this is to practise dancing in your room to some party music, close your eyes and pretend you are at the party dancing with your boyfriend of whatever.

    if you ever get stuck then all ways go with the hard core jump up and down

    hope i have helped.


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