
I can't decide if I want to stay on homeschool, or go back to public school.?

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I went from public high school to home school this past Christmas and am now a Junior, still on home school but I'm starting to miss school.

I was going to just graduate a year early on home school, but now I'm wondering if I'll regret not graduating with my friends and old classmates.

Has anyone graduated on home school and regretted it?

Give me some advice on what to do please!

I miss my friends and socializing, and just can't decide.




  1. I am a homeschool grad (university grad too) and i don't regret it. If anything, it provided more opportunities for me than in a regular school, public or private, would have. You have to figure out what works for you. There is nothing wrong with being in school, if its the best environment (read: happiest and healthiest) for you.

    If you do want to continue homeschooling, you'll need to figure out how to get that time with friends, and be prepared to make some new ones. Is there a sport or activity you love? Find some way to get more involved in that. What about other homeschoolers? Depending where you are, you might find others your age that you can get to know.

    My need for socializing was met through ballet, our homeschool association 'events', church youth bible studies, and family. I joined a performance dance team through my dance school, and was able to help with preparations and setup each year for our school's annual production. Eventually, we even travelled with the team as far away as London and Israel. My family places a high priority on family time, so homeschooling meant that i had extra time to see my cousins and grandparents several times a year. Educationally, its been wonderful. Homeschooling taught me to seek out and think about information, and to teach myself. I've gone on to complete a Bachelor's of Science and have been involved in biology research.

  2. I am also a junior in High School and in my opinion I think you should go back to public school. It's way too much fun not to. Wanting to spend more time with your friends is a great reason to go back, because that's what school is for, learning in a social environment, not sitting alone. While you can still get into school dances and games, I still don't think that's enough. You need to have that experience of homecoming week and assembly's and stuff like that, things that happen in the hallways and in class that you can't  ever get at home.  If your ready to graduate early than you can spend the next year or so taking fun classes that may actually look better on an application. Homeschooling may have a "better" education, but it sounds like it's just not for you. I know I would never give up the time I have left with my friends by leaving and graduating early. From what you say it sounds like you really should go back, because if you miss your friends as much as you say you do than I'm sure they miss you just as much.

    Best of Luck!

  3. You want to spend an extra year in school JUST to hang out with your friends? Why not graduate a year early and make the effort to spend more time with your friends outside of school while you do something productive with that extra year?

  4. Stay homeschooled!!

  5. if you  miss your friends your friends then go back to public will have so much more fun! it sounds like you don't really wanna miss out on it!

  6. It depends on what you want in the long run. If you want a better education, and one on one help, homeschool is the best thing in the world. We homeschool and the statistics on the quality of education is so much higher. When homeschool students go to college, they almost always have an easier time because they are more advanced in learning the way you learn in college. You will have to spend so much more time on homework, because there is so much drag down time at public school. My nieces both graduated from homeschool and love it. One is in med school and the other is in nursing school. My daughter is a freshman now. She doesn't regret it at all. Your family can join homeschool groups that give you peers that are in the same kind of educational format that you are. They have dances, field trips, bands and the like. There is so much to offer. Another thing is that the public school will probably mess with you and not give you credit for what you did at home and put you back where you were when you left school. They do not test you or anything and nothing says they have to. It is purely their discretion. You will also have a lot of boring time where you have to sit and wait for others to be disciplined. You also have to wait for the slowest student to catch up or on the opposite end, you don't get the help you need if you are one of the ones who learns differently. I think you made a great decision to homeschool and I hope you decide to stay.  

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