OK, my boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years, a while ago I started noticing a pattern, I'm always ready for s*x, although not necessarily randy at all times, but I would never turn him down, he would never turn me down either, never has a problem getting hard. However, what I've noticed is a lot of the times he won't actually finish the job between us, we'll go at it for a little bit in the morning, I'll get mine or at least realize I'm not getting there, and be done, but all too often he doesn't finish with me, instead, after I'm not present, he goes on-line and does his thing with pics and video of gorgeous women. Strictly women. p**n does not bother me, he has exquisite taste, and I consider most of it to be pretty tasteful. I just can't get over the fact that he might actually prefer to finish the job by way of masturbating to these women instead of just finishing with me. He's not rejecting me, he's not exclusively relying on the p**n, and I also try to give him the benefit of the doubt, that if I was only in the mood a couple times a week (as apposed to 6 or 7) then certainly he would choose me. My self esteem is intact, I don't think it would matter who he was with he would still do this. But when do I know if it's a problem? Is there a survey I can take? Like I said he's not rejecting me, and can I really fault him for enjoying it so much, especially when it becomes the only means after long bouts of being single, I am confident that if I could just wait, he'd certainly need and prefer the real thing, I'm just not sure how often. I mean I have better, quicker more intense orgasms when I do it myself too, but I'm a girl, I thought for guys if given the option, real would always outweigh visual stimulation and the hand. Just not sure how concerned I need to be yet? Also I think a lot of times he's already taken care of business in the morning, and hopes I will not be in the mood, if I start hinting at it, he'll make mention that he's tired, or ask if am I hungry, or want coffee, (anything but s*x). But here again, so he likes his morning ritual, it was that way before I came into his life, and I'm not even really a morning person, but he is and it often seems he would rather take care of it himself, and he's not a night person, I am, but he's usually legitamately too tired, so again he would only be doing it for me. I think if I was never in the mood and left it to him to propostition me, we'd have s*x maybe once or twice a week. That's my assumption. Should I be worried?