
I can't decide which country I should go to on my exchange, Portugal or Belgium?

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I was originally deadset on Portugal, but recently I got confused and I thought I was placed in Belgium instead. I began to get comfortable with the idea and then found out that I wasn't. I've started to think that maybe Portugal wouldn't be much of a difference for me compared to Belgium but I would feel so much more comfortable in Portugal.

But isn't an exchange supposed to be getting out of your comfort zone?

I can't figure out what to do :(




  1. well i don't think you should go somewhere you wouldn't feel comfortable. Then again you never know if you never go. However what i can say about Belgium is that it has chocolate, cheese and is one of the most oldest and beautiful cities in Europe and the culture and history in Belgium is very enriching and literally amazing. One thing that really amazed me is the sites. How ancient and unique the architecture in Belgium was. You literally forget your living in the 21 century.

  2. No, I think an exchange student is not only going to a different country to study abroad................the student is also going "abroad" to experience something that is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity.  An exchange student is going abroad to experience life as it is known to the people of the country the student is visting.  You can experience a totally differnet culture than your own!!  Think about  it this way...........if it weren't for the exchange program, would you ever go or have the chance to go to either country?  I think whether you pick Belgium or Portugal you will have a very fullfilling experience.  You are on the verge of opening  a set of doors to the world!!!  Don't slam them shut now!!!

  3. Well, if you are going on your exchange to have fun, I would say Portugal. If you are looking for better education and networking, I would say Belgium.

    Living in Belgium, you have the chance to learn both French and Dutch, both prominent languages of the business world (Dutch is somewhat). Educational standards are higher and you will get a more modern 'european' feel.

    Portugal would be more fun I believe and the language will be way easier to learn if you know Spanish. Weather is nicer in Lisbon too.

    Both are exciting countries and quite different in feel actually.

    Good Luck!

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