
I can't decide which job to take NEED your help Nanny or Toddler Teacher?

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I am a mother of 3 children ages 15,14, and 6

This would be a full time position

I was offered both and need to choose one.

Nanny for 1 baby and 2 school age children

hours are from 9-6 (some days I could leave at 4:30 and some I would have to stay till 6:30)

Pay is $500 weekly paid holidays, 4 weeks vacation

no pay for the days that I take off

As parents get increases and bonuses, I will get too

Toddler Teacher (10 toddlers plus an assistant to help me)

Hours are 9-5

paid holidays and sick days

1 week vacation after 1 year

pay $12.00 per hour

I can take my 6 year old with me during the summer and on her days off from school (can also do that with Nanny position)

Thanks to all my Yahoo! friends for all your help, I REALLY appreciate the help and advice!

Sorry this was so long :(




  1. Id like to know where this toddler teacher job is!!!

    i am a toddler teacher and only make 7.15 an hour !!!!

    so if you dont take it for 12 bucks an hour I will!!!!!!!!!!!  lol

  2. nanny sounds like it bays wayy better

    but toddler teacher sounds like more fun

  3. This is a toughie.   My kids are a little older than yours, but I still find that a Mom at home in the after school hours is a big deal.  If I were you, I would be leery about the Nanny job and the hours they want you to work until.  Will they be home by 6 every night?  Then by the time you leave, and get home, it's 6:15 or 6:30, before you know it, it's 7pm.  If you work as the Toddler Teacher, your hours are more set.  You get off at 5, and will probably be home by 5:30.  That's a big deal at that time of day.  Also, what about filing taxes?  If you work as the Toddler Teacher, they will do that and you get a W-2 for the year.  In the end, I guess I would rather work for a company than a family, because with the family, I would be afraid of things that would make it awkward.  Good luck with your decision.  

  4. I think that toddler teacher looks better on a resume as for a good work experience.  Might also be more stressful though.  

  5. personally, i'd take the toddler teaching position.  it's more stable than a nanny job.  nanny jobs are very solitary positions and in a center you'd be around some adults during the day.  also being solitary, you can be blamed for things that you may not do.  and financially, unless they are going to keep track of your wages and with hold taxes, you will be considered self employed and that will take 30% of your income right off the top, no insurance.  and do you have to cart the kids around?  if so, that's gas money out of your pocket unless the parents will pay you for gas.  and if you are self employed then some states see that as your own business and you will need commercial auto insurance to cover them in your car.  lots to think about and consider here.  i'd rather work for a company than an individual who usually tend to think they own you after awhile.

  6. I've been a toddler teacher for a year. I love the majority of my kids, but the parents are a nightmare. They are unreasonable, and unappreciative to say the least (not all, but most). They expect you to do things that they are unwilling to do themselves. You will be exposed to more germs than you ever knew existed, and your daughter will be chronically unwell. I believe you would be far more satisfied in an at home position as a Nanny. I don't know where you live but either position pays much more than where I live.

  7. i would do the nanny. less children, and you wont have to worry so much about them hurting themselves if they're elementary age. and a baby is always fun.  

  8. I would advise taking the toddler teacher job.  The teacher job offers more security & a more guaranteed schedule.  Also, when taking care of other people's children, it would be in your best interests to have another person present, as in the toddler teacher job.

  9. I'd say the toddler job. The pay is a little less but your hours are set and you can spend more time with your kids. By the time you'd be done and getting home your kids would be too from sports, clubs, hanging out with friends (etc).

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