
I can't edit my torrent videos?

by  |  earlier

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I download some videos in torrents, and thier all 1 hour and a half worth, all I want to do is take the parts that I want out. But no matter which video editing program I use it comes up with a error message saying that it's encountered a problem a needs to closed. So if anyone could help me out here, it'd would be very helpful. Thanks




  1. maybe the problem  is that ur still seeding with so in order to do both copy the file into another place  n  try

    if that doesnt work re rendaer the file  

  2. Have you watched the videos all the way through?  There's probably a problem with them, or you're using a program that doesn't handle that kind of video file.

  3. If they are .avi file, you might try the free VirtualDubMod.  It is what I use and this article gives a good description of how to do it:

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