
I can't even figure this one out!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm walking down a dark alley where it looks like there has been a party (there are a few people who look drunk lying around on the ground and in chairs) I walk into a sort of gymnasium & two of my friends are there. The girl friend is lying on the ground texting & the boy friend there I go & hug around the waist. The girl says to us "I always knew you two would be together" Still hugging we move away from the girl & slow dance-hug around the gym. Then I realize after a while that I am only holding the jacket of the boy. I then decide that I better go get changed. I go behind a curtain & take off the dress I am wearing, the boy then reappears and I ask him to hand me my jeans. After I get dressed we go back to the "hug- slow-dance" thing and he says to me "well since your family all got something special you should too, a kiss?" He kisses my nose and then on the lips 3 times. Then I woke up suddenly like you would from a nightmare... it felt so real...




  1. You want to love someone ; but not any body ; and you are doing the right thing

  2. well, you see, the most likely explanation for having this dream is that you are either:

    A. drinking to much blueberries

    B. give me back those rocket yesterdays!

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