
I can't explain the emotional pain that i'm goin through, can you help!?

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Alright, so I'm 15 years old and you could say some months ago, I started puberty. But all of a sudden, i've been noticing that I can be alot more sensitive to my emotions, thoughts, seeing certain people, and just bad memmories. Is this just a stage of pubety or is something else going on. Like, sometimes if i think of a thought that makes me feel unconfurtable, i feel like i go into this panic attack mode. Please explain to me if its just hormones or something outside of what i'm assuming!




  1. Puberty is a difficult time. Your hormones are going through major changes and fluctuations. You may feel fine then something dips and all of a sudden you feel like crying for 2 hours. A journal is a great way to express yourself and give you a concrete way to get out the emotions of the minute. it will also help you to see over time if there is a pattern. Noticing a pattern can help you to feel a little more prepared that you know what's going on and can be more pro-active to help your self instead of feeling like this stuff is sneaking up on you all the time. If the problem continues or worsens and you really feel uncomfortable more often then not then seek the help of a counselor &/or your Dr. to see if you might benefit from some talk therapy or need an evaluation for anxiety. good luck to you!

  2. Hi!  Yes, it only means you're growing up.  They're just different stages that you go through.  It's like a test type of thing, you know, where you should try to guess what to do next.  Try to do stuff that calms you down when you're alerted, like listening to music and taking deep breathes.  Being more sensitive is just a sign that you know what's happening around you and acknowledging it in a different way than you have before.

  3. this is probably just's very typical to be going through mood swings, high ups and low lows, during puberty....i was the same way....some days i would just wake up unhappy....but i decided that i would try my best to make the best of things and i don't feel that way anymore

  4. i have the same exact problem, i believe it's just a stage though, out of no where i feel depressed and start to freak out, it's weird :/

    i hate it

  5. Pray and you will be okay! That are the words of other persons when they have prayed right way. Since everything will be okay!

    That was for me also!

    God Bless You

  6. I wish I knew. But, since it sounds kind of odd and because I am unsure, maybe you should just ask your doctor about it. Or, if you visit a consueler than ask her/him about it!

    Good luck to you.

  7.   You are a normal person with no professional  help to see you through a traumatic stage of a teenager. I could have written the same letter in my teens. Difference  is you are able to articulate  your feelings and changes so well. While  many only brood with morbid thoughts and end up getting into  some peculiar habit forming lifestyle; you are asking for help, which is the very thing one should do. I am sure, your School counselor or Church Pastor or worker would be able to help you very much. That is if you are a student or a Church going person. I am sure you would find yourself on a better platform as the years roll on.  Growing up is really painful

  8. It's normal for teenagers to feel emotional turmoil.

  9. Wish I could help you, but everyone deals with puberty differently, some people breeze through it and others (like myself struggle).

    Just like emotions that are dealt with differently.

    I would say for you to speak to your school councellor and they will be able to go into it with you. Or an adult who you can trust and talk to? Alternatively you could google some help lines and give a free call a go, perhaps they can have a chat and get more info than we have to work on.

    I wish you well and all the best.

  10. hormones. it's just puberty, you'll get over it soon, meanwhile see your doctor, especially for the panic attack thing. But you really are fine.

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