
I can't explain this encounter?

by  |  earlier

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we had my sisters boyfriend me my sister and mom home and i was half asleep and i saw 2 blurry shapes by my bed i thought it was my sis and her bf cause wheni woke up there was grapes in my bed but later i relized it was 2 guys there was only 1 guy in the house and all the other people in my house said they weren't in my room was it a ghosts or wat? and it was against my white wall with nothing against it




  1. hm...a dream?

  2. I'm not sure what the significance is of the grapes.  Do you have grapes in your house?  If not you could use that as evidence that something really happened.

  3. Sounds like you are right.....sorry your mom don't believe you.......get a camera and start taking pictures every time you feel something........and it will show up......It could be a shadow or white smoke or anything........Okay,....think of it this way...when you take a picture and every thing in the picture is fine...except one part looks blurry or messed up or a ball of a spirit....meaning someone is there.......Just because you live in a crack house ...doesn't mean it's from see the land the house is built on could have belonged to people hundreds of years ago.........Like farmers.......So start taking pictures every time you feel something......and start showing them to your mom.....then she should believe you.........Things like this happen to a lot of people......I have been taking pictures of stuff like this ever since I was 12....and if that don't change your moms mind......Let her read this stuff from people who have seen and felt stuff ...just like you

  4. 2 blurry guys:  might be aliens. . . I don't mean to scare you, but seriously, they might be aliens.  Put a protective white light circle around you before going to bed and they won't bother you.

  5. It's most likely a ghost. When I was 3 or 4 I would freak out whenever someone said the word ghost. But now they don't bother me as much since I've had...."experience".

    1. I was going downstairs early in the morning to feed my guinea pig and I saw a greyish figure glaring at me. It showed me it's teeth and then called me forward with a motion of it's hand. Then it took off.

    2. I was probably 5 I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and before I got there, I heard my dog's toenails ticking against the wooden floor. I went into the living room to get her. I said "Hailey!" and she began wagging her tail. But as I got closer, she slowly faded. I went into my mom's room and there was Hailey sleeping on the bed.

    3. I went into my room to go to bed and I saw sort of like an Oompa Loompa standing by my light switch. I saw it in the mirror on the other side of my room, too.

    4. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I usually sleep under the covers so when I came out from under them I saw a stick figure type thing looking in my window.

    5. I was going to bed when I heard a noise. I sat up in bed and hanging right in front of me was a vampire. I thought I was seeing things so I rubbed my eyes. Then it smiled and I screamed. As soon as the light went on the vampire ghost thing went away.

    Hope this helps!

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