
I can't figure out these ironic passages someone please help?

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The directions say to write the opposite idea of the ironic passage.

1) "Next Sunday we all went to church... The men took their guns along."

2) "All right, then, I'll go to h**l."

3)When Jim bit... it most mashed all his teeth out, and there warn't ever anything could 'a' worked better."




  1. 1.  There was a time in the history starting at after Columbus discovering a America, one walk arm every where he went.  Often, it was some distance from a settlement(town).

    2.  The speaker was doing something he thought was right but would be condemn for doing it, at least, by God, if not by man.

    3. Sentence is not complete. Closes scenario, I believe, is a fight with a man or an animal.  A large animal.  He was grabbed and he bit the ear, tearing it, and the animal shook its head hitting Jim in the face and releasing Jim while the animal had a torn ear.  The pronoun " it" usually means non-human.  There is another scenario which could apply relating to an action, or circumstance.

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