
I can't figure out why it got me so mad? It was so stupid!?

by Guest34456  |  earlier

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okay well my best friend is total opposite of me. She is gothic and she has this negative attitude like all the time. Especally when school comes around cuz all her other friends are under 13 and gothic,depressed and just have no life they think life is all about umm having bfs and "messing around" I mean that's it. Well this summer we started hanging out & I saw a HUGE change in her, she WANTED to come to church w/ me...she stopped cutting herself, she said she didn't want to be gothic anymore and it was all because of me. Well she started school back and she said she cut herself again about 2 wks ago & we havent had time to hang out since she started school back. Well I saw her yesterday & my parents were talking to her so I got out of the car to give her a hug and she was like don't touch me and turned when I went to give her a hug. It totally ticked me off. I am so mad cuz she just takes her anger at ppl from her school & people she fights with on me. I try to listen to her when she talks and be a good friend and she turns from me when i go to hug her?!? then she called me up today and said she needs to use my computer. So now she will only talk to me to use my computer I mean I dont mind her using it but she didnt even ask if we could hang out or anything. Maybe i am blowing this out of proportion but that because I lost my old best friend about a yr ago cuz she started hanging out with new people and she started cutting herself and she started gossiping about me so much I had to end it. That really hurt so if I am over-reactign its because I dont want to lose another best friend. We had gotten close this summer. We were always hanging out and having a good time! Am I going to lose that now?




  1. You aren't overreacting. During the summer, her old friends weren't available so she "changed" in order to have someone to hang out with. As soon as school started, she went back to her old friends and old ways. Do not let her use your computer, as she is not your friend. I'm really sorry but there are better people out there. She isn't one of them.

  2. I agree with Marina, but I feel like there is something deeper here. She is acting like she doesn't know who she really is. That is very, very common at the age of 13.

    She is going through something.  If what she's going through hurts you too much to stay around it, then keep a little distance from her. If you feel you are strong enough to be the friend she can count on, even if you can't count on her, then be that friend. You never know. She may finally realize later that you were always a true friend to her and thank you for it, but don't wait around for that! Go hang out with your other friends! You'll find someone out there that you're more compatible with in this stage of your life and your social development.

    You are lucky to know who your are. You are a very strong person. You don't always have to have a "best friend" who is always there with you. You just stay strong, and take care of yourself.

    I wish you all the best!

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