
I can't find a job?

by  |  earlier

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Please help I've been looking and looking! I've applied maybe 50 places literally and spoken directly (in person) with hiring managers

I don't know what to do anymore. This is extremely depressing.

i apply and apply and no one calls me back. I've applied at places with Now Hiring signs and still no call.

I feel like giving up but I need money I don't even have money for school supplies. (I've looked all summer, i was supposed to save up money and now school is coming up end of August) What should I do???

I'm not old enough for a temp agency. I don't want to do anything illegal.




  1. I think u need to tell us more details before we can help you.

    What skills do you have?

    Ask friends and relatives if they know of anything.

    Don't get depressed, this happens to all of us!

    And don't listen to these spammers!!

  2. I feel your pain, I too have been looking for a job for more than a month now and haven't found one. The economy is really  bad right now and word on the street is that it's going to become even worser.  It' not only people like you with no skills or experience that are struggling. Even people who have a degree like myself can't find anything. Just like you I don't have any money to even buy new clothes for school. Thankfully my parents are helping me out. All i can say to you is to apply to places like a fast food place, or a supermarket. I know that you said you've applied to over 50 position and nothing. If things are really bad for you the next step would be to donate plasma at a clinic, or sell some of your old books or other stuff on ebay.  I just made myself a few dollars selling some stuff on ebay.  Please keep positive and don't be so hard on yourself. Life is a challenge !

  3. I know how you feel.  I just moved a couple months ago and still haven't found a job.  I gave up though because I work online now.  Find something, there are tons of things that you can do that are free and easy.  (don't ever pay for anything, it might be a scam)
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