
I can't find a job with a Bachelor's in History from a good college?

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I live in Michigan. I was considering going into teaching or becoming a police officer, or maybe border patrol.

I have a job, but it's a manager at a restaurant and it doesn't pay a living wage.




  1. You are not alone.  There are tons of Americans with degrees now struggling to find a job (I am one of them..working at a stupid retail job that I hate and am overqualified for!).  Just keep plugging away and applying to jobs that are related to the teaching/police field.  Also, don't be afraid to inquire about a job at local schools or police departments even if they don't say they're hiring.  Sometimes they may just need extra help and haven't asked for it because they're getting by.

  2. You can be a Teacher Assistant at College and get work study  

  3. You are in one of the hardest states in which to find teaching jobs in general, combined with the fact that finding a History teaching job is almost impossible nationwide. It is one of the most saturated subject areas, because so many people are trying to find jobs and there will never be enough for everyone. If you want to teach, I strongly suggest that you find out what it takes to become certified to teach math or science, if you like those, at the high school level.

    There are so many of us out there with BAs who are working out of our fields or for low pay. I graduated at the top of my class, but my degree is too broad and general. Employers want specific, targeted degrees.

    I would see what you can find that may be related to your degree or in which you can use the degree to become skilled in another area. I am heading to community college to get a certificate; the course requires a BA, so I don't feel like I am wasting it and all of that hard work.

    If you can find a federal or state job, go for it. You may start out low, but there will usually be room for advancement. That is what I wish I had done years ago. I know so many people withe degrees who are barely surviving, yet I know way more with no degrees who are fine, in great jobs. I can name about 20 friends and family off the top of my head who have high school diplomas and make at or over 100K a year. The only way a college degree will work is if it is something like nursing or you get years of experience, which does not always matter. I am caught between not enough experience and too much. It is really sad, because I worked so hard and I watch people in great jobs who basically did nothing and still are that way.

    If you know anyone who can get you in to a company, call them. Connections are vital, esp. in this market.


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