
I can't find the owner of an egroup I am a member of and would like to become the new owner.?

by  |  earlier

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The owner has deserted the group and the group has not had any posts in more than a year. I am the newsletter editor for this club and would like to retain the same name and become the new owner. How can I do that? The owner doesn't belong to the club any more (our EAA chapter 712) his email bounces and no one has any contact info on him anymore. There must be a way to transfer ownership of the group.




  1. If he did not choose someone else to take over the group as owner he could have chosen someone to moderate the group with many of the same privileges the owner has with the exception of deleting the group.  If no one has been given that option the only thing that can be done is for someone to start a new group.

  2. you're out of luck and many are in this same situation. you need to locate the owner to make changes in ownership- or start a new group. there is NO way to transfer ownership.


  3. The owner of the group has to leave the group and give somebody else the ownership of the group.

    Here are some links for you to read and have more info on this issue:

    For more questions and answers and help please visit:

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