
I can't fly in my dreams...?

by Guest67025  |  earlier

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Ever since I was 5, I can't fly in my dreams. Like, I can fly up about 2 feet. That's it. I can't run, either. What happens is I run in slow motion and the people behind me catch up to me. It's so weird...

And another thing: Lately I've been having only nightmares. They're about terrorists chasing me, threatening to kill me, threatening to kill my family, robbers with guns, people who look through the window in scary black masks, and when I look back they run, death, awful things.




  1. You fear failure.

  2. If you have ever been told you are down to earth that should explain the lack of flight.  Of course now that you are worrying about it you will not fly either.  It won't hurt you to not fly so just relax and let it go.

    Your dreams about terrorists and death threats is about your fear of change.  Something in your waking life is unsettling you.  Something about life changes that you are fearing.  Try to identify your fears and find someone who can talk you about what is happening.

  3. poor you..good luck

  4. if you have tried to fly in your dreams, and known that you haven't flown in previous dreams, that is a hint that your dream is lucid. if you don't know what lucid dreams are, basically anything you think will happen. so if you have doubts that you can fly, you can't fly. and if you have doubts that you can run faster, you won't.

    basically, death in dreams mean you are either mortophobic or morto philiac. and since they are horrible, you or more likely mortophobic. so its obvious that you fear death in real life. there is something in your life that is causing you to think about death pretty often. i hope it is movies or video games, but if it is life with others, you need to speak up in your community, and not ask how on yahoo answers.

  5. 1. you think logically- no wonder you can't fly. you could probably fly when you were five because, well, who doesn't wish they could fly at age five?

    2. you run slowly b/c your muscles are asleep, not in motion; it has been proven.

    3. you are scared- for you and your family. whatever reasons, i don't know, but you are feeling insecure about your safety.

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