
I can't get my avatar photo to yahoo experiencing problems or am I doing something wrong?

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I've gone through the proper steps 3 times and so far I can only get my avatar to post to my 360 page.




  1. The Yahoo 360 is experiencing a lot of bugs in the pages now days.. we have been informed by yahoo that they are changing to a new profile platform in the near future and most of the bugs in our pages will not be fixed. The problem you are experiencing is a major issue right now.. and has been a major issue for several weeks now.If you have not read any of the information Yahoo has provided to us about the changes you can do so by going to the top of any of of any of your 360 pages ..... click onto Yahoo 360 News option in the upper right hand corner..  it links up to the 360 Product Blog that actually has a very recent update!

  2. your not doing nothing wrong. It is a yahoo thing, some times it takes right away (As it should) and some times can take hours or even days.

    Good luck to you

  3. Its because Yahoo Is closing Yahoo 360 next month and the features are closing as well. along with peoples yahoo 360. My yahoo 360 was closed today you can take a look at it

    they said they are not going to fix anything on yahoo 360 there is no since in it because it is being closed.

    They are switching to a new universal profile system so every day they say around 100,000. 360 profiles will be closed and transferred to the new profile system you will not lose anything on your 360 page it will be transferred to the new profile.

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