
I can't get my bird to eat fruits and veggies. Any tips?

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I have been told by my vet to give my lovebird veggies such as parsley, squash, broccoli, and spinach. I put chopped fresh veggies, or sometimes apples in a separate dish in my lovebird's cage. I do this everyday, but she won't touch it. I tried eating the same kind of veggies next to her cage to encourage her, but she won't try anything for me. She only likes seeds and pellets. She won't touch the dried fruits and veggies in her pellet mix, either. My avian vet told me to just keep trying different varieties and giving her free choice, but I'm worried about her health. I've had her for 3 months and she is 8 months old. Any suggestions from other bird owners out there?




  1. Maybe they don't like it?

  2. Eat them while she's on your shoulder.  Birds can't help it, they want to try what you're eating if they're sitting with you.  Just wait for her to reach toward your hand or mouth and give her a taste.  I've had birds that were very seed-oriented, but they'll try ANYTHING if they're taking it from "your mouth".

  3. I dont own a bird but my uncle did and there is pet food you can buy and then you could mash it up somehow hope this helps

  4. My bird is picky like that too.

    Try to hand find her some different kinds.

    This is how we did it with our bird (she's 2 now).

    Maybe try grapes, bananas etc.  

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