
I can't get my braces fixed

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One of the metal blobs fell off my tooth (one right at the back). My orthodontist is on holiday so I can't get it fixed.

I heard that if you break it you have to wear it for longer, and I really can't stand them, I hate them so much. My question is: if one of the blobs break, and you have to leave it like that for 2 or 3 weeks, how much longer do you have to wear them for?




  1. Depends on how old you are, how long you have been wearing them and how much correction was needed.

    Call your orthodontist's office, and ask for a recommendation to another orthodontist!

  2. I THINK (note: think) that they add an extra appointment wait time to your treatment. For example, if you have them tightened every month they may add a month to it.

  3. depends if your teeth are used to being in that spot,

    if they are about 2-3 weeks longer

    if not it could take up to 6 weeks

  4. Dude, chill. I break the brackets on my brace like all the time! =)

    I'm not like a dentist or anything but if you got your brace on, because your front teeth were wonky, then if a bracket at the back has broken, then it won't make that much difference.

    But if you got a brace because you needed to move your back teeth around, then you might have to wear your brace for a little bit longer as one of the back brackets has fallen off.

    Don't worry though because I dont think you will have to have your brace for extra months or anything, it will probably only be for a couple of weeks more. Even if you do have to wear it for a bit longer, it will totally be worth it in the end =)

  5. Well first off, the "metal blobs" are called brackets.

    And you should get it fixed as soon as he returns. I broke many, many brackets (I just couldn't stay away from those hard candies haha.) and some I waited till my next appointment, but I didn't have to wear them any longer.

    I am pretty sure you are good. Braces do suck. Just don't worry about it too much. And don't pick at the brackets.

  6. There is usually a Dr. 'on call' when yours is and find out who is on call to repair the problem..........

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