
I can't get my churiyaan off!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I already tried putting cream, soap and oil but they are not coming off!! What can I do??? Please help!!!!!!!!




  1. oil will just make it slippy

    use soap and water again

    and try and pull them off really

    really slowly, don't pull it too hard

    or u may scar or bruise ur wrist

    just dry ur bangles and wrists first

    and start over with soap and water

    and go really slowly but with strength

    if that doesnt work, then ur gonna have

    to cut them off


  2. Hi Sweetie Pie

    If the bangles are made of metal ( gold / silver / other metals ) ask the jewellers or anyone who can cut it...

    If its a glass bangle..n u have tried all emans ( soap water / cream etc ) i am afraind..u may have to break it..but be careful not to hurt urself...


    Devils Child

  3. ask your mom!!

    or go to a jewelers and get them cut off

    how long have u been wearing them?

    whens the last time u  took them off?

    SOAP usually works well.

    unless u had them since like 5 yrs ago or something

  4. oil will do try out again  

  5. please break u r churiyaan

  6. put ur hands area wch has bangles, dipped in luke warm water for abt 10-15mins... thn apply cream or soap thn take it off

  7. You can't get your what off?

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