I'm almost 13, and I've worn glasses for about 4 years already. I've wanted to get contacts for a while, because a lot of my friends have them and they seem to have no trouble getting them in. Yesterday I went to the eye visual place, and the people there let me try on contacts. Well..it was way harder than I expected. First the lady told me how to care for my contacts, and stuff like that. I was pretty excited to put them in because I was sure it would be easy. I ended up sitting there for like 30 minutes, but they just wouldn't go in. Whenever I felt the contact on my eye, it would be cold and wet, and my eyes would just automatically blink. It was so frustrating. The lady told me not to be scared, etc, relax, and look straight ahead, or toward my nose. I wasn't scared, and I looked straight ahead, but as soon as I felt that contact, I'd blink. My eyes are on the smaller side, so maybe that has something to do with it? Well, the lady then offered to help put them in for me..so that..