
I can't get my contacts in..please help?

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I'm almost 13, and I've worn glasses for about 4 years already. I've wanted to get contacts for a while, because a lot of my friends have them and they seem to have no trouble getting them in. Yesterday I went to the eye visual place, and the people there let me try on contacts. was way harder than I expected. First the lady told me how to care for my contacts, and stuff like that. I was pretty excited to put them in because I was sure it would be easy. I ended up sitting there for like 30 minutes, but they just wouldn't go in. Whenever I felt the contact on my eye, it would be cold and wet, and my eyes would just automatically blink. It was so frustrating. The lady told me not to be scared, etc, relax, and look straight ahead, or toward my nose. I wasn't scared, and I looked straight ahead, but as soon as I felt that contact, I'd blink. My eyes are on the smaller side, so maybe that has something to do with it? Well, the lady then offered to help put them in for that..




  1. Hey, don't worry!

    I've had contacts for about 2 years now and I love them, but it is hard to get in the routine of putting them in. For me, I don't even listen to how the doctors tell me to put them in, it is so much more simpler. Okay;

    For Right Eye:

    First I take my left hand and my index finger, or whatever finger is comfortable, I hold my top eyelid open by pressing my eyelashes to right below my eyebrow. Then with the contact on your right, index finger, take your middle finger and hold down the bottom eyelid. After that look up, not at your nose, and press the contact in. It will be cold and wet, but after you put it in, it should suction to your eye. Thats when you blink and all the air bubbles will go out and then the contact will stay in place.

    For Left Eye:

    Reverse the process.

  2. I am assuming that you wear soft lenses as it sounds like it in your description....I wear both hard and soft lenses....and have done so for years,.....

    When I first started I needed a mirror but now I can insert them by not even just takes give yourself time to get your technique down pat....

    WASH AND DRY YOUR HANDS....ADD A BIT OF SOLUTION TO THE LENS...SHAKE OFF EXCESS...Make sure you have the lens around the right way....soft lens should look round not on your will know if your lens is inside out it will feel uncomfortable and it looks inverted on your fingers

    Left eye:  With your left hand use your index and your middle finger to hold open your eye...WIDE...put the lens on the your right hand index finger and whilst looking in the mirror put the lens onto your eye....hold the lens on your should feel the lens 'latch' onto the eye....

    Use your fingers to hold open your eye as you will want to blink.....whilst holding your eye open look up and then down....this will give the lens a chance to 'latch' properly onto your eye....

    REPEAT THE PROCEDURE FOR YOUR OTHER EYE using the opposite hand.....

    It really is just a matter of practicing.....if your eye gets irritated leave it for awhile then come back after giving your eye a took me ages to put in my lens when I first I'm a pro....LOL

    If you have hard lenses....use the same technique except don't look up and down...hard lenses are smaller and don't need to latch to the eye like soft ones...

    I hope this helps I have tried to make this easy but I don't think I have...sorry

    All the best and make sure your hands are clean when you handle your lenses....

  3. Here's a tip, when holding your eye lid open and looking in the mirror, tilt your head back so you're looking down to see reflection.

    You'll find there's a lot more eye to work with then, and if you really struggle place it above your pupil and then use your eyelid to gently slide it down.

    It's what I used to do!!

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