
I can't get my horse to canter on the lunge line.?

by  |  earlier

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He'll walk and trot pretty obediently, but when I tell him to canter, he just trots. I use a lunge whip, but I don't actually touch him with it; I just hit it against the ground. What should I do?




  1. Hmm. My horse doesn't like to lope on the lunge either. What I do is, tie a plastic bag to the end of the lunge and flick it at him. He will move in to the canter faster with the bag.

    Best wishes!

  2. there may be a few things....

    a. he is injured somewhere in his legs back etc..that may be causing him pain to canter (in this case contact a vet)..

    b. he is being a pill and you need to get after him by holding the string of the whip and the handle together and gently tapping him on his rump to tell him you mean business...

    or ...

    this most likely wont be the case but...

    c. he cant canter on that lead and you should try another direction....again this probably isnt it b/c you have tried both directions but its just a thought...


    i dont know the breed of your horse but...

    d. some breeds naturally dont canter...they are gaited horses and they  dont know canter....

  3. hit him w/ the lunge whip on his hocks. not hard just a tap so it's annoying and he'll want to get away from it

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