
I can't get my locker open?

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Today i had the day where we get our lockers and everything. I'm a freshman at hs btw. And they're half lockers, but its not the kind where you pull up and it opens!

These leaders came up and helped and they only got it open a few times, sometimes not. I didn't get it open at all!

Here's the directions but its hard:

turn locker dial to right and stop when you get to the first number of the combo.

Turn the dial to the left passing the first # stop when you get to the 2nd number

Turn the dial to the right until you reach the 3rd number

This is the part I don't get:

Continute turning until the dial stops (this will req turning another 6 or 7 numbers. Pull open locker.

So you have to pull it! my combo is 13-41-27.

does anyone else have these kind of lockers?




  1. well i had a hard time as well even though i am a 6th grader but anyways first u go to the first number clockwise then the go clockwise if not counter clockwise second number u go past and go back to the second number then u go to the last number counter clockwise then you would go slowly and it will get tighter and when u hear 2 or 3 little clicks open it and u will well have opened it lol!

    hope i helped!

  2. heyy there. well this is my trick-- 3, 2, 1. Turn the dial to the right 3 times. Once you get to the third 13, turn the dial 2 times to the left. Once you get to the second 41, just turn the dial to the right, and once it gets to 27.. voila! it should open! good luck! ~

  3. I have that kindof a locker too, its not hard at all once you get the hang of it. It might help to go to school a little early to practice. and get someone who is good at it, like a sophmore, junior, or senior to help. They wont bite i swear. Im a junior and i know most upperclassmen wont mind helping a new freshman to open there locker. ;-)

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