
I can't get my tropical frog to eat. My fish want his food and he won't take it. Suggestions?

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The lady at Petsmart said to give my new frog Shrimp pellets. Well, Mr. Frog has yet to eat any (that I know of) and it's been two days. I'm afraid he croaks... in a bad way. He's the type of frog that is only in the water (aquatic). Since I don't know much about frogs, I hope he survivies! He swims ok and gets around often, he just won't eat!




  1. People at Petsmart rarely know what they are talking about.  This website is nice for ADF's

  2. Im not sure what your pet lady was thinking, but your frog probably prefers live food. I would try putting live crickets in his cage, preferabbly small sized ones. Most frogs eat live crickets, at least mine do, so try this. Im sure h**l eat these.

  3. Hahaha, its either a african clawed or dwarf frog. They ONLY eat live food, blood worms/earth worms ect.

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