
I can't get my two boys to stop argueing...Please help!?

by Guest62711  |  earlier

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My 2 boys are constantly bickering and argueing. The arguements are over petty things and stupid stuff. They seem to look for things to fight about. They accuse each other of stealing, lying, cheating, and trying to kill each other. They are only 6 and 7 years old. The 6 year old is my step son and the 7 year old has ADHD. I can't tolerate this constant bickering anymore. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice for me on how I can get this bickering to stop and get my boys to get along with each other? Thanks in advance and your answers will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Seperate them.... Put them in to rooms...

    My parents when I fought with my brother they would find a worksheet of the computer of school work (age appropriate) and it wasn't easy... If I would get a 70+ I would be able to go play but if I got 69- I would have to stay in my room with only food drinks and bathroom brakes for 2 whole days... it was terrible.`

  2. have them sit down facing each other and make them say 3 nice things about one another every time u catch them arguing. make sure they don't repeat the same things every time. Then tell them how lucky they are about all they have and that they have each other and say that there are children all alone in the world that can't even imagine what a brother or a mother is like .....

  3. Give them therapy, or take them to a phycic to see why they started fighting

  4. What I do with my boys works sometimes....I put them in an open space and tell them to knock the c**p outta each other....

    They usually hit a couple of times, then want to quit. If I force the issue, then gang up on me and cry that they don't want to hit each other....that's when we talk about fighting over stupid stuff.

  5. spank them hard

  6. Put them in their rooms (or seperate rooms if they share a bedroom) and tell them they can come out when they stop the fighting.

  7. YOU NEED TO TELL THEM WHO IS BOSS! Or, split them up for an hours. Dont let them talk with each other or anythng. My brother and I do the sam e thin my mom sasy. I am 11, he is 10. But she grounds us for the day. Or she says "If I hear anymore of this bickerng, you two will spends the rest of the week in ur room! So stop. Not one more thing out of any of you!!!!!!!!" Time outs aslo work. Writng lines. Yelling wont help. Good Luck

  8. Kids usually do that when they are bored.    So maybe you can find something constructive for them to do.   My grandkids love to plat scavenger hunt.    Put a note in one place and it gives you a hint to find the next one and the next one  etc.   Kids love it.     Just keep them busy.

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